• Masking, Sets and Reboots

    Since last week was the last in June, we had our audition classes with Suzanna. On Monday, I chose the Rabbit Hole scene, because I figured it was the one I had the most to work on. I volunteered to go first, and my first take was definitely my best take. Not to say I shouldn’t have done the others, because they were very useful, but the first time is where I connected the most emotionally. There is a part where I talk for a paragraph, so my reader looked up at me, and at first it felt off, but then I just felt it and connected. Suzanna asked me…

  • The Power of Mantras

    A while back I mentioned that I started using mantras. I have always been pretty skeptical about them, partially because I was afraid of focusing on a mantra that wouldn’t come true and thus prove the theory wrong. You might not see the issue there, since not trying it would get the same effect, but part of me believes very strongly in the power of thought. So if my skepticism or setting my sights too high made the thing I visualized not come true, it would have reaffirmed my fears and that mantras don’t work…so I was afraid of sabotaging myself? It makes sense in my head. In that post…

  • Planning, Taping, Learning

    I know I mentioned all of the motivational videos and reading I have been doing in my last post, and thanked some people for their awesome sharing of information (Thank you Dallas and Bonnie!), but this weekend I actually put it all together and compiled a huge list of things I should be doing. I also prioritized it according to whether it would help with my #1 priority and goals, or if it was just actor busy work that I feel like I should be doing so that I can say I am doing something rather than because it actually needs to be done. I am also trying some new…

  • Lights? Class! Acting!

    I am back in class! After a well-deserved vacation, Suzanna is back and I am ready to do some acting. On Monday I got a scene from La La Land with a guy I worked with on Diablo last Fall, where we got into a discussion about all the Oscar nominated films, as well as what constitutes a spoiler. The scene itself has lots of levels, and it will be fun to play around with it and figure out when it switches from a conversation to a fight, and how to take certain things. It was really fun as a cold read, and should be even better next week! Last…

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