Acting Demo and CV

Demo Reel

Amanda Lynn Petrin CV

ACTRA Apprentice – Stagiaire UDA

Selected Film & Television
Get-Together (short) ~ Principal ~ Dir. Mat Rich

Touched (short) ~ Principal ~ Dir. Hubert Boorder
All the Things ~ Principal ~ Dir. Vithusan Vijayaratnam
Diablo: Rise of the Hunter (short) ~ Supporting ~ Productions MTK4
Keep Calm and Make Art (short) ~ Principal ~ Concordia / Yang Zhang
Over Easy (short) ~ Principal ~ Champlain/Spencer Pearson
Augustine (short) ~ Principal ~ Champlain/Freeman Fletcher
Another 10 Minutes (short) ~ Supporting ~ Dir. Jay Reid
The Cohort (webseries) ~ Supporting ~ QPU Productions
The Dream Maker (short) ~ Supporting ~ Joe Rossi & David Magini
Writer’s Guild (short) ~ Supporting ~ Joe Rossi & David Magini
Sasha: Portrait of an Artist (short) ~ Supporting ~ Joe Rossi & David Magini
Dark Shack (feature) ~ Principal ~ Jessy Dupont Productions
Un Jour En Société (short) ~ Principal ~ Portail Digital
Ca Arrivera Jamais Icitte (short) ~ Supporting ~ Portail Digital
M is for Mien (short) ~ Actor ~ Glockbuster Film
Lonely Ninja: Tale of the Exiled (short) ~ Actor ~ Dead Ringer Movies
Memoirs of a Slasher (short) ~ Actor ~ The Backrow Productions

List available upon request.

Selected Theatre
Timon of Athens  ~ Flavius ~ LAMDA/ Rodney Cottier
The Rivals ~ Lucy ~ LAMDA/ Robert Price
Hayfever ~ Simon ~ LAMDA/ Robert Price

London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) : Semester in Classical Acting (Acting, Voice, Modern RP, Movement, Stage Combat, Singing, Historical Dance, Alexander, etc.)
Suzanna LeNir:  On Camera Acting Workshop (ongoing)
Intro to Motion Capture:  Phase 1 with Stephen Mullin
Scene Study Classes:  Tom Todoroff, Anthony Meindl, Margie Haber
Meisner Drop In Classes:  Johnny Sa
Improv:  The Groundlings and Montreal Improv
Combat and Stunts:  Stunt Stage Level 1, Tactical Performing Artist (Gary Foo), Stage Combat (Shawn Baichoo)
Audition Workshops:  Ron Leach, Rosina Bucci, Paul Weber, Benz Antoine, Mike Migliara

Special Skills
Languages: Fluent in English and French, basic Spanish, a little German.
Accents: General American, Canadian, Quebecois, Modern RP and Conservative RP
Athletics: Swimming, yoga, bicycling, golf, canoeing, ballroom, line and historical dancing.
Other: PADI Scuba Diver, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and History, Standardized Patient at McGill.