• In my Auntie Era<3

    This week was very productive, and a lot of fun. I finished typing up To Trap an Earl, and the final tally of my zero draft is just shy of 95000 words, including the second epilogue that will be a newsletter sign up bonus. (Very proud of myself for writing it before I’m formatting the final version, which is what usually happens) I do find the ending gets a little rushed, so I will be replotting and reworking it for the next few days before starting my next draft on February 1st. If anyone is interested in reading that next draft, please reach out to me, as I am always…

  • Typing up and Tea

    I had my first official go out of the house and work day on Wednesday, which is embarrassing, because I wish I worked a lot more. That is to say, I am almost always working, it just usually isn’t the kind where I get paid in relation to the hours I put in. That being said, I spent the day watching people sing and play games in between organizing my stories and putting down new ideas. Not to mention seeing some friends and singing along to Miley Cyrus. If every day could be like that, I would be one happy actress/writer. The rest of the week was mostly spent typing…

  • Sunshine over Cloudy Days

    2024 is off to an amazing start, but not without an annoying hitch. I got in a few days of hitting all my goals (writing, social media posts, translating, etc.) before we set off for Florida to (belatedly) celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday with a few of his friends who are spending the winter there, and some family. The latter being me, my parents, my brother, his wife, and my nephew. It was absolutely amazing. The weather was temperamental, so we only went swimming a couple of times, and spent a lot of time indoors, but I was there for the company more than anything. My brother joked he was…

  • Welcome!

    It has been a hot minute since I last shared my adventures (and inner musings) with you, but I was reading some of my old posts to prepare for my upcoming trip to England (only 3 months away!) and I remembered just how much I loved sharing my journey and craved that accountability. So, I figured January 1st was the perfect time to welcome you (back) to the blog as we welcome in the New Year, 2024! As you hopefully know, my name is Amanda Lynn Petrin, and I am an aspiring actress who sometimes produces her own projects but often does background on other people’s much bigger projects. However,…

  • How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish?

    How Much I Spent Self-Publishing A Standalone Novel and a Paranormal Series The Cost to Self-Publish a novel varies from zero dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It depends on your skills (how much of it you can do on your own), your network (what you can beg, borrow and steal), and the level of quality you are looking for. If money wasn’t an issue for me, I would spend at least 5000$ on each book I published, broken down as: Editing (Developmental, Copy and Proof): 3000$ Cover Design: 500$ Launch (Promo Sites (Bookbub), ARC copies and Giveaways, Amazon and Facebook Ads): 1500$ In reality, I have spent a…

  • Self-Publishing a Trilogy

    The Legacy launch went better than I could have expected thanks to all of you! I am so grateful to everyone who helped out with posting and sharing about the book, buying it, reading it, or just encouraging me in general. This week I have been trying to get words down for the milwordy challenge, and figuring out youtube videos, so I thought I would do a little two for one and write this post as an in-depth version of the youtube video that came out yesterday. If you’re interested in self-publishing, this is how The Owens Chronicles came to be 🙂 (It’s definitely not a how-to, but I am…

  • The Trilogy is Complete!

    How was everyone’s summer? I don’t know about where you are, but it is freezing where I am this morning. I am so grateful to be bundled up with a hot cup of tea and a fluffy blanket. I have been all over the place lately, visiting Montreal for Labor Day (and my nephew’s birthday <3), then being the COVID Health and Safety Coordinator for the TAWC Film Lab’s 2020 selection, Rainbow Baby. It was both the best and the worst idea to have me, because I take Covid extremely seriously. I followed the guidelines, and maybe went above and beyond sometimes. There were definitely a few people who were…

  • I’m doing the #milwordy Challenge

    Good morning everyone! Lately I have mostly been writing and preparing for the Legacy launch on September 11th. It is only 10 days away! I also launched a youtube channel. The first video comes out today, but I added an extra one yesterday because I am going to be participating in the #milwordy challenge, something that has been going around #authortube lately. Basically, you have one year to write a million words. I decided to start my year at the same time as those other authors, so my challenge will run from September 1st 2020 (today) to August 31st 2021. A million words is not something to be taken lightly,…

  • LEGACY launches September 11th!!! (cover reveal +giveaway)

    ​This morning, I received the last of my BETA reader feedback for Legacy, which means I just have a few tweaks to make before I can upload my manuscript and get some proof copies. This is super exciting news, so I moved up the release date to September 11th! After centuries of hunting my family, it all came down to this. By the end of the night, I was either going to defeat Henry, or die trying… â€‹â€‹â€‹An ancient curse on the Owens women puts Lucy in a race against time to claim her birthright and defeat her Big Bad. â€‹â€‹â€‹Lucy knew that she had a lot to learn before she could…