Launching, Outlining and Perma-smiles
Shards of Glass launched on Friday and I am amazed at the outpouring of love and support that I have received since then. People I have never met bought the book, my cousin downloaded the kindle app just so he could get my ebook while he waited for the paperback to arrive, a stranger left me the most beautiful 5 star review on amazon…not to mention all of the family, friends and acquaintances (like people who went to school with my parents) who have liked the posts, shared them and actually purchased my book. My face is a constant smile and I don’t see it going away. Ever. I am astounded by the wonderful people that surround me.
The launch was definitely the biggest part of my week, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t keep busy. On Friday and Saturday I got loads of excitement at the WWE’s Summer Slam Meet and Greet, before driving to Montreal. On Sunday I helped out at the launch of Wyngaert Wealth Essentials, which included tables of delicious food, being serenaded by Matt Mardini, crooner extraordinaire, and hanging out with some of my favorite people.
On Monday morning we went on a hike and had lunch before I drove back to Toronto for an early morning call time. Every spare moment was either spent responding to all of the messages of encouragement I have been receiving, or outlining my upcoming trilogy. I put the first book up for pre-order so I could give myself a deadline to clean up my first draft and get it edited, but I want to have my series planned out as much as I can before then so I don’t get to the last book and wish I had done things differently. I also signed up for Cancon in October, which I am really excited about.
Before I go, Shards of Glass will be free to download for one last day (August 13th), so if you wanted to get a copy, or try out a new author, this is your chance to do it at absolutely no cost to you. I hope you enjoy it and would love to hear what you think!
Have an amazing day!