Montreal Sets and Little Bird
Even though I was in Montreal last week, I still spent 3 days on set (okay, 2 days on set and 1 in holding). One of them (the day in holding) let me get so much writing done, while another transformed me into a cartoon. I have no idea how this will work or what I will look like, but I am excited to find out. After working for my uncle and spending the evening with my parents and brother, I spent my last day on set as an actor. I didn’t have any lines, but I got to catch up with friends, hang out with actors and act! I also attempted to ride a very vintage bike, but I’m not sure how successful I was in that department.
After my acting gig, I drove to Toronto for steak night, which was fun and made me really excited for class tonight. On one hand, I’m sad I keep missing class, but on the other, it’s really nice to be busy and working.
On Saturday we had brunch with my brother and cousin who were in town for a wedding, and I got to write a bit more before heading to work in Hamilton for a few hours. When I got back, I made chicken parmesan and attempted to make pumpkin pie. I have a very sweet boyfriend who lies to me about how good it was, but I either don’t like pumpkin pie that much, or didn’t do the recipe justice.
On Sunday I worked all day at a job where we can’t have cell phone, so I got a lot of planning and figuring out done. I hopefully have my writing and launches planned until my next birthday, and even have a list of all the stories I want to someday write, so I can procrastinate better in the future 😉
We had supper at the boyfriend’s parents’, bringing home some delicious leftovers.
Some pretty cool news I’ve been waiting to share is that I was cast in Little Bird, a beautiful short film that goes to camera in less than 2 weeks. This is a passion-project spearheaded by the TAWC co-chairs and featuring some incredible storytelling and amazing actresses. I will also be production managing it, which is a little scary, but honestly, I would be doing anything to be a part of this story.
Here’s a little blurb on it:
“Written and directed by Tee Schneider, produced by Joanna Swan, Little Bird is a film about tenacity- having it, keeping it and finding it again when it gets lost. It’s a film about empathy and connection, compassion and sacrifice. It’s a film about women who care enough to make the hard choices. It’s a film about women who brush themselves off and put one foot in front of the other even when the world around them is completely out of control. It’s most certainly about the resilience of girls. Little Bird explores invisible illness, the long-term fallout of unmanaged depression and the unimaginable horror of interrupted adoption. In the end, it’s a film about the choices we all have, big or small, at any age, in any circumstance- even the ones we can’t control.”
You can check out the indiegogo at:
“Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.”
-Emily Dickinson