Sets, 4Points and TAWC
Monday was a pretty big day for me. I worked to get things organized for my new job, and dealt with some last minute things for the TAWC Content Development Session I was spearheading. The other helpers and I arrived to find that the room had already been set up, and they were wheeling in plates of food. All we had to do was get to contacting people on the waiting list whenever someone let us know they couldn’t make it. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Annie Bradley for the first time.

Less than a minute into the masterclass, which was packed with enthusiastic ACTRA members, I knew Annie was the best person we could have brought in. I think even someone with absolutely no interest in ever directing would have loved being in that room, listening to her speak. She taught us about directing, yes, but she also shared so much life advice and lessons in tenacity and going after your goals. She talked about idea jams and creating your own work, and I know that not only was I so inspired, I have already been added to at least 2 groups that have decided to follow her advice and do it.
I have 8 full pages of notes, with a bunch of homework sprinkled in between, including each of us directing something within the next year. We asked if she would come back next year and watch all our films, mostly teasing, but she seemed completely serious when she told us she would. She was so generous with her time and knowledge that we nearly had to be kicked out of the building to leave. This fierce, talented, tenacious woman has just guaranteed herself a spot at the top of my list of directors I want to work with.
After the masterclass I went to 4points and did both the 7 and the 8 o’clock classes. When there were no more opponents I felt I could handle with my arm, I hinted at taking a round off. David pointed out that he needed me in order for everyone to have a partner, so I went for it and realized I had nothing to worry about.
Tuesday I was on set, singing during and making lists between takes, and I also got a call from someone I know who is thinking of doing a TIP and wanted some advice. Since I went through it and research things a lot before I get into them, I was able to answer most of his questions, and offered to help in any way I can. I always say that any day on set is a good day, and my favorite part is acting, but any way I can be creating is amazing. Plus, I know how hard it was when I was doing my films and how much I appreciated any kind of help that was offered.
On Wednesday I worked at the gym, found out some secrets and went to a TAWC meeting. I am so grateful that I found this committee last year, not just because it’s an incredible initiative that aims to get women working and to help them do it, but because the women who are on the committee with me are just so awesome and inspiring. I can’t wait to see all of the amazing things we will achieve.

After the meeting, I went back to the gym and stuck around for all of the classes. I got a submission against someone I have rolled against a bunch of times without us ever really submitting each other, and I think I am improving, even if the fear is keeping me from going as hard as I could. I’m usually pretty passive in rolling, but because being at the bottom leaves me vulnerable to all of the things that will hurt my elbow, I have been trying really hard to not let that happen, and to stay on top. So more active, but still a long way to go.
Thursday was for errands and the gym, before I went home and made some pesto chicken zoodles. I made a really big batch and didn’t compensate with enough pesto, but it smelt delicious and still tasted pretty good. The rest of the night was spent trying to catch up with all of the admin work I have been putting off, like renewing my license plate stickers, signing up for classes, returning contracts…stuff I probably shouldn’t be putting off.
On Friday I went down to the gym and lifted for the first time since I hurt my elbow in the competition. Part of it was because I didn’t want to aggravate it, but the majority of it was laziness. Then I went to do background on something I’ll probably be on a bit for the next few months. Only 10 people were going to be staying for the second scene, and I was really looking forward to a Friday night with the boyfriend and maybe some friends, but when the AD came and asked if I wouldn’t mind staying, I obviously agreed. I ate way too many desserts to compensate for being there, but I did get some work done. One scene is in a library, where I am supposed to be doing homework, so I got to reorganize my priorities and figure out some things that I need to do, which I probably waste too much time doing over and over again, but I feel like it really helps me organize myself and my time once I have it all written down.
Saturday I was at the gym early to help them get everything ready for the 11 am class. The class itself didn’t have anything special, but they had extended the gym’s mezzanine overnight and wanted it to look as cool as it was when everyone arrived to see it for the first time. We finished with a half an hour to spare, before 3 kids classes in a row, followed by takedowns and open mat. I participated in the last two, working on the same takedown we had learnt before the competition, then doing some technique and situational rolling with Gözde. We were mostly taking it pretty easy until someone kindly offered to roll with me and have me work on things. They also got to work on things such as cool chokes. Not sure who got the better deal, but he definitely enjoyed it more.
Afterwards, some of us went out for thai food, and made plans for the evening. We went to Ali and Gözde’s where we made popcorn, watched Harry Potter, enjoyed some delicious Persian pastries & Turkish tea and really had an amazing time.
On Sunday I lifted in the morning, trying to keep up with some kind of a routine, then relaxed the rest of the day. I did, however, make it a point to plan for my week ahead, because I find it easier to accomplish things when you know exactly what your priorities are, as well as what needs to get done to reach them.
“Everyone has the right to a dream. But dreams only come true through tenacity, working hard and being in it for the long game.”
“If you never fail, you’re awful at your job. But make sure you’re making new mistakes all the time, not the same ones.”
-Annie Bradley