• Class Lessons

    It has been over a month since I shared what I have been learning in my acting class, so today I will go through the scenes I have worked on recently, as well as what I learnt from each one. First is the Break Up, a scene I did with Nick. I hadn’t worked on it as much as I should have, and he had a cold when we did it, so I was slightly worried, but through running the lines a bit before class, I was reassured. He even went all out and got a doorbell sound effect on his phone for the end of the scene. If you…

  • Back in Class!

    This past week has been pretty busy for me, and I love feeling like I am actually doing something. On Thursday, I went back to class with Suzanna Lenir, and did in fact get to catch up with some friends who were there before I left, and also meet some new ones. I arrived there almost a half an hour before class, but spent the whole time talking with my fellow classmates about my trip to LA and our acting journeys. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who feels overwhelmed by all the decisions and figuring out we have to do 🙂 I was given a scene…

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