My 2025 Resolutions
I know we’re nearly a full month into 2025, but I started this year off in the best way possible, on a vacation with my favorite people, then had to turn in my latest manuscript to a developmental editor on Sunday. Now I am getting back to my regular programming and figuring out what I need to focus on to get to the life I want to lead. So, here we go! To start off, my word for the year is Believe. To believe I can make it as a 6-figure, full-time author. Believe I am good enough to write the stories of my heart rather than waiting until I am…
2019 Resolutions
Here we go again 🙂 Learn Armenian Learning a new language is on my list of 30 things to do before I’m 30, and although I had originally planned to learn something like Italian and use it as an excuse to go back to Italy, I am now going to focus on Armenian. Possibly not as useful in the global sense, but my boyfriend’s family all speak it, which gives me lots of opportunities to practice. Also, his grandmother likes to sit beside me and tell me stories in Armenian, which would be amazing if I could understand them without having to make him translate everything. I think I’ll save…
Hello 2017 :)
2016 has definitely changed me, especially as far as how I see myself and how I am putting myself out into the world. I plan on continuing to live outside of my ever-expanding comfort zone, and my word (or intention) for the year is going to be CONFIDENCE. Out of all the things holding me back in my life and in my career, my lack of confidence is certainly at the top. Here are my 2017 resolutions: Read all of Shakespeare I started going through the plays last year when I was studying in London, but I haven’t finished all of them. And I have the complete works, so might…
Take Two
I am flying back to Los Angeles on Tuesday, and I cannot wait to escape the weather (but there are a few people I wish I could take with me)! These past few days I have mostly been prepping for this return, which includes packing (I love travelling, but packing is a nightmare!) as well as celebrating my mom’s birthday. This year, we took her out for supper, and went to see two movies, one of which was Parental Guidance, with Bailee Madison. It was a really good movie, and has a lot of bigger stars in it, but there’s just something about that 13 year old…I am guessing most…