• How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish?

    How Much I Spent Self-Publishing A Standalone Novel and a Paranormal Series The Cost to Self-Publish a novel varies from zero dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It depends on your skills (how much of it you can do on your own), your network (what you can beg, borrow and steal), and the level of quality you are looking for. If money wasn’t an issue for me, I would spend at least 5000$ on each book I published, broken down as: Editing (Developmental, Copy and Proof): 3000$ Cover Design: 500$ Launch (Promo Sites (Bookbub), ARC copies and Giveaways, Amazon and Facebook Ads): 1500$ In reality, I have spent a…

  • Self-Publishing a Trilogy

    The Legacy launch went better than I could have expected thanks to all of you! I am so grateful to everyone who helped out with posting and sharing about the book, buying it, reading it, or just encouraging me in general. This week I have been trying to get words down for the milwordy challenge, and figuring out youtube videos, so I thought I would do a little two for one and write this post as an in-depth version of the youtube video that came out yesterday. If you’re interested in self-publishing, this is how The Owens Chronicles came to be 🙂 (It’s definitely not a how-to, but I am…

  • Halfway There <3

    We are halfway through February, which I usually consider the longest month of the year. It always has the least days, but it feels like it is especially cold and drags on forever before the arrival of March and spring and happier things. This year, for some reason, it isn’t that bad. Which is ironic, because February has more days than ever this year, with the whole leap year thing. I’ve done some odd jobs to make money, some more fun that others. I’ve had some fun nights out, like a preview screening for The Assistant, and sensory training for some potential background work. Maybe that last one isn’t exactly…

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