• Extras, Parties and suits

    When I last wrote, I was preaching about possibilities, which is exactly what was given to me. I had a music video shoot all booked on Friday, but it was an outdoor shoot, and anyone who was in Montreal last Friday knows that it was pouring, so the shoot got cancelled. Obviously, that sucked. But I was still believing in my possibilities, so I decided to work on them. I wrote back to someone who had tentatively mentionned something about background work. I had already told him I was pretty much always available, but decided to follow up with my availabilities this coming week. I figured that if I did…

  • A World of Possibilities

    Carolyne and I were discussing the ups and downs of our chosen career path, and we came to the conclusion that often, our optimism is determined not by all the amazing work we have already done, but by whether we have any future projects booked. Being on set is amazing, but knowing that you’ll be coming back and having another opportunity to act…that’s what convinces you you’re on the right track 🙂 Luckily for me, I am currently in the phase where I think that the world is full of possibilities. And I refuse to hear otherwise. Last Tuesday I had an audition and a call back. The audition was…

  • Back for Visions

    It’s good to be back. And no, I am not talking about the lovely getaway to Quebec City, but rather the throat/mouth infection that had me out of commission for the past week. Cancelled auditions, work and networking events were not so much fun, but sitting in bed doing nothing did give me a lot of time to think of all the things I really need to work on. Let’s just say I am very anxious to get back to the grind 🙂 Before my throat issues arose, I got to spend time at work with Montreal’s finest. Normally I am the wallflower who listens, maybe puts in a word…