• 2019 Resolutions

    Here we go again 🙂 Learn Armenian Learning a new language is on my list of 30 things to do before I’m 30, and although I had originally planned to learn something like Italian and use it as an excuse to go back to Italy, I am now going to focus on Armenian. Possibly not as useful in the global sense, but my boyfriend’s family all speak it, which gives me lots of opportunities to practice. Also, his grandmother likes to sit beside me and tell me stories in Armenian, which would be amazing if I could understand them without having to make him translate everything. I think I’ll save…

  • Gemeaux in Montreal

    So it turns out that the event we went to during TIFF was not so much a TIFF event, as TIFF adjacent. It was honoring Rosamund Pike and her new film, A Private War, but it had more to do with female empowerment than the international film festival. It was an honor to be invited and is the exact kind of thing I hope to get involved in someday. I am putting this TIFF down as the one I paid attention to, so next year I will know what to expect and what I want to be a part of. The following weekend I headed back to Montreal, where it…

  • 30 By 30

    You may be rolling your eyes and thinking it’s a little too early to be thinking about the next five years when I haven’t even finished my 25 by 25, but with only 7/8 items left and concrete plans to finish most of them within the next month, I took to planning my next challenges. Really, it’s more of a plan of all of the exciting things I plan to do within the next 5 years 🙂 1. Publish a Book I have wanted to be a writer for as long as I have wanted to be an actress, and there are some members of my family who think I…

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