• Get Busy Living

    I have been journaling for as long as I can remember, first as a child, then on vacations, sporadically for a while, before a few years ago when I started journaling consistently, every single day. There are periods where I can look up entire conversations that I’ve had with people, nearly word for word. Lately, something has happened which is really upsetting, but also super awesome. I have become too busy to journal. Or at least to keep up with it the way I did. Which is sad because I liked the idea of being able to go back and know exactly what was going on, but seriously, it is…

  • "Your Job Is To Train"

    When my friend was giving me the advice on stunts and pointed out that I was taking on a lot, I told him, “It’s fine, I don’t have a job.” To let him know I currently have a lot of free time. “No, your job is to train.” He pointed out. I do this for acting, finding ways to work on my craft even when I am not in class or on set, but this week definitely made me feel like I was making it my job to train in the physical sense as well. On Tuesday, I decided to try out a Jiu-Jitsu class in Beloeil rather than just…

  • The Echelon Workshop

    I just had a really productive weekend. A while ago, I contributed to the Echelon fundraising campaign, and one of the perks was a Thespian Workshop. Going in, I didn’t really know what to expect, but I had an amazing time, and learnt some interesting things. A lot of the work was improvisational in nature. I am no longer terrified of improv, but let’s just stay it still keeps me on my toes. We also had a lot of times where they asked us what we wanted to work on, or what we found hard to do and the responses reminded me of some pivotal lessons that I had clearly…

  • Back for Visions

    It’s good to be back. And no, I am not talking about the lovely getaway to Quebec City, but rather the throat/mouth infection that had me out of commission for the past week. Cancelled auditions, work and networking events were not so much fun, but sitting in bed doing nothing did give me a lot of time to think of all the things I really need to work on. Let’s just say I am very anxious to get back to the grind 🙂 Before my throat issues arose, I got to spend time at work with Montreal’s finest. Normally I am the wallflower who listens, maybe puts in a word…