
It has been a hot minute since I last shared my adventures (and inner musings) with you, but I was reading some of my old posts to prepare for my upcoming trip to England (only 3 months away!) and I remembered just how much I loved sharing my journey and craved that accountability. So, I figured January 1st was the perfect time to welcome you (back) to the blog as we welcome in the New Year, 2024!

As you hopefully know, my name is Amanda Lynn Petrin, and I am an aspiring actress who sometimes produces her own projects but often does background on other people’s much bigger projects. However, the acting dream recently took the backseat to my writing career, which helped keep me – mostly – sane during the pandemic. I am now the Self-Published author of eight stories taking place in a world where if some people die before accomplishing a certain purpose, they will come back to life (with a Gift of some kind) – as many times as it takes – until they accomplish it. I call it The Giftedverse. When I last posted here, I had just completed the Owens Chronicles trilogy (Prophecy, Destiny, and Legacy), which blew my mind, considering how I started writing it back in 2014. Flash forward to last month, when I released the third book in the Gifted Chronicles (First Life, Second Chance, and Third Eye), a spinoff trilogy set a few years after The Owens Chronicles.

This year, I’ll be trying new things, like translating my books into French and turning them into Audiobooks. Or venturing into historical romance and spending a month researching Regency London. Or getting my physical books into bookstores and libraries. And meeting fans at more live events, in addition to Montreal’s Comic Con, which I’ve had a table at since 2022. So many exciting things will hopefully be happening in the next twelve months, and I can’t wait to share them all with you. My plan is to update the blog every week, even if it’s just to share how the writing is going and check in with all of you. If cool things happen, I can post more often, maybe with sneak peaks or excerpts, AMAs or whatever you all feel like reading about. If you are thrilled that I’m back and look forward to hearing about my writing (no matter the genre), my acting, and my life in general, then you are in the right place. If, on the other hand, you came here for the Giftedverse and don’t really care about the other stuff, I suggest joining my newsletter, where I *mostly* stick to the books. Here is a link to join, where you also get a free copy of Prophecy 🙂

Until next week,


“When the seasons shift, even the subtle beginning, the scent of a promised change, I feel something stir inside me. Hopefulness? Gratitude? Openness? Whatever it is, it’s welcome.”

-Kristin Armstrong

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