• Another CD Audition

    My plan for last Friday was to go work at McGill, with one of my favorite scenarios, then go to the Forum to see Keep Calm and Make Art at 4:30, as part of the Montreal World Film Festival. Instead, on Thursday night, I got a call from my agent, for an audition on Friday at 5. It was for not only a real Casting Director, which had been one of my goals, but one of the best here in Montreal. It was for the type of character that terrifies me, and I probably would not have submitted myself for, but since they were asking, I accepted. More than anything,…

  • Moving on Up

    Last night I did my third scene from Gilmore Girls, but it was the first time that I got to play Rory. I actually did a scene as Lane in my first month with Suzanna, right after having played Shoshanna from Girls. Both scenes were about how they’ve never had sex, which made me worry I might have been typecast. Now, years later, we are doing a scene where I just lost my virginity, and my mom does not like it. With reason, but I’m not ready to see that yet. There were only 4 of us in class this week, so Tamara and I went first, after running our…

  • So, I used a Selfie Stick…

    A little over a year ago, I had my first day on the set of a webseries I was cast in. Or written into, if we’re being specific, which still boggles my mind and makes me smile. So much. Since a character was written into the story of The Cohort for me, I have been a background guest at a party, done a photoshoot, and now, finally, I had my first speaking day 🙂 Yesterday, I was on set with a lot of the people who were at the party last year, as well as some new people, many of whom I knew from other places, which makes me feel…

  • A Blank Slate

    Even a torrential downpour couldn’t keep us from class yesterday. And although it took a while for everyone to get there, we finished the night with a full house, as well as some special guests 😉 I was doing the scene from 2 Broke Girls with my real partner, who wasn’t off-book yet, so I did camera and was on book for other pairs before we went to run our lines out back, since we were going last. I am really happy that I got to do the scene with Teneisha last week, because last night was a completely different experience. You see, most of us have seen at least…

  • Work, Class, Combat, Magic

    Already halfway through August. Summer is fading fast and I am nowhere near where I had planned to be by now, but I am still keeping busy. I have worked a few days at McGill, which is always fun. One day I was playing a woman who had just given birth, while also writing a story about a character in the same situation during our breaks. This definitely put me in an interesting head space, and I personally think it made the acting and the writing a little better, because they could feed off each other. I went to see two movies in theatres, both action/adventure films that I would…

  • Le Continental

    Twenty years ago, my grandfather discovered this gem of a restaurant in Quebec City. Since then, our family has frequently made pilgrimages to Quebec, often just for supper at the restaurant. When we went there this weekend, I decided it was time to share our love for Le Continental in a blog post 😉 The restaurant characterizes itself as Franco-Italian Cuisine, and when you go, you want to make sure at least one person orders something flambé, because then your meal becomes a show. I peruse the menu every time I go, and although my parents and grandparents will often try something new, I always go with the exact same…

  • Nanos, Auditions and Combat

    I have completed another Camp Nanowrimo, although my word counts keep being less than what I need to actually finish the stories. This means I will have to up my target word count and write more come November 😉 I also ended up writing a completely different story than the one I had originally intended to. I might need to work on writing what I need to rather than what I am inspired to. Or perhaps just find a way to reconcile the two. In addition to a lot of time spent writing, I worked on my demo reel, caught up on shows, got inspired by a multitude of acting…

  • Work on what you're not good at

    I am spending two days as background this week, watching guys take their clothes off at a strip club, so I had to move my Tuesday class with Suzanna to Monday. I always love class jumping, because I get to meet new people, and reconnect with some old friends as well. It was an incredibly small class, me and 3 other people, so we all got to work on our things until we were happy with them, which didn’t really take anyone that long. I was the reader for a scene from Parenthood, watched a heartbreaking one from 50/50, then it was my turn. My scene was from Steve Jobs,…

  • Filming a Promo

    On Sunday I filmed a promo for a really cool app that should be out at the end of the summer. It is called ChainIt and allows you to string videos together among friends, which is super awesome. My part in the promo was pretty short in the scheme of things, and since I am demonstrating a use for the app, it is set to look like I am basically taking a selfie video. For someone who really isn’t into the whole selfie thing (and would much rather find someone to take my picture instead) it is really interesting that I keep filming things where I am taking selfies. It…

  • Reasons to Stay

    I slightly panicked when I realized we were pretty much half way through July and I was way behind my word count for July’s Camp Nano (like the one in November where you write a book in a month, only you have a lot more freedom to choose your word count, page count, or to simply edit something you have already written). I have been spending a lot of my time this week trying to catch up on that, but I also had class with Suzanna on Tuesday 🙂 If you remember, our scene is from the Social Network, and we break up. The scene starts out with us talking,…