Filming a Promo

2016-07-17 14.58.22.jpgOn Sunday I filmed a promo for a really cool app that should be out at the end of the summer. It is called ChainIt and allows you to string videos together among friends, which is super awesome.

My part in the promo was pretty short in the scheme of things, and since I am demonstrating a use for the app, it is set to look like I am basically taking a selfie video. For someone who really isn’t into the whole selfie thing (and would much rather find someone to take my picture instead) it is really interesting that I keep filming things where I am taking selfies. It is also a lot of fun, and a skill that might eventually come in handy, right? Although I am pretty sure this was the only time I would have to do it with something that heavy 😉

It was a beautiful day with a group of really nice and fun people. I really felt appreciated and valued, which isn’t always the case on non-union, volunteer sets. It was actually a pleasure to help these guys market their product, which I actually want to use myself. A perfect end to my work week 🙂

“One of the best feelings in life is discovering that you are appreciated by someone regardless of how unworthy someone else has made you feel.”

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