• An Exciting Month

    We’re secure! By that, I mean that there is a little lock icon beside the website url because I fixed the security issue and people should be able to find the blog again. Amanda 1, Technology 0, right? This past month has been pretty consistent as far as working for the gym and doing Jiu-Jitsu classes, doing background as a high school student and living a multitude of lives as a standardized patient. There’s also some new/exciting things happening. For starters, I turned 29 and celebrated and had a wonderful time. Then I realized I only have one year left to accomplish my 30 by 30, and slightly panicked. But…

  • Nano, BJJ and Being Social

    I had a pretty standard week, work-wise, to start off April. I worked at the gym, did some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes, hopefully made some progress…mostly the usual, with the addition of camp nano, where I am trying to write a book within a month. I have it all plotted out, so I thought it would go super smoothly, but I decided to try my hand at time travel, which means there’s a lot more research and figuring out to do. Socially, I was more productive 😉 My parents came to town on Tuesday, so we went out for supper, then for lunch on Wednesday. On Thursday I met up with…

  • Family, Sets and Cold Reads

    This week was pretty awesome on all fronts. On Monday I worked from home and got to see the rough cuts for a few scenes from Get-Together, which looks amazing from a completely unbiased perspective. Then I spent the afternoon/evening on set doing background. On Tuesday I spent the whole day on set and got so much side work done. I am playing a student so I get to walk around with pens and notebooks and spend scenes (or in between takes) writing, which is the absolute best for me. I plan my months, I come up with story ideas, I plot my Nano camps…let’s just say it leads to…

  • Sets, 4Points and TAWC

    Monday was a pretty big day for me. I worked to get things organized for my new job, and dealt with some last minute things for the TAWC Content Development Session I was spearheading. The other helpers and I arrived to find that the room had already been set up, and they were wheeling in plates of food. All we had to do was get to contacting people on the waiting list whenever someone let us know they couldn’t make it. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Annie Bradley for the first time. Less than a minute into the masterclass, which was packed with enthusiastic ACTRA members, I knew…

  • Podcasts, BAs and BJJ

    The day after the competition we decided to take it easy. We had a delicious brunch with mountains of crepes and meat pies and all the toppings you could need, then spent the afternoon hanging out and watching movies. The rest of the day was equally as productive, comprising of video games with friends and a few episodes of Breaking Bad (I know, I’m way behind, but I’m getting there) On Monday it was back to the grind. I spent the afternoon getting ultrasounds for work, then in the evening went to the Women on Screen: Out Loud podcast wrap party. To be completely honest, other than the first Serial…

  • Next Gen Niagara Falls

    My second tournament was a lot less stressful than the first. For instance, I woke up and had a bunch of eggs and mushrooms and spinach and turkey bacon because my weight was good. I did weigh myself continuously to make sure this was still the case, but I did not have to jog around for hours in multiple layers to try and lose a few pounds to not be disqualified. We packed a bunch of snacks, got ready and headed out to Niagara with a few members of Team 4Points. We talked about movies and restaurants and classes on the drive rather than me furiously texting with my coach…

  • A Hustling Actor

    Monday was the official start of my no-carbs to get down to competition weight, so every time I had a craving, I put it down in a list of foods I would have once the competition was done. Our subway stop happens to have a Cinnabon inside, so even though I have never gotten one from there before, on Monday it killed me as I headed to my Standardized patient work. We did 3 scenarios and although it was definitely weird to have my partner play my husband in the first 2 scenarios and my father in the 3rd, I think it all worked out in the end. That night…

  • Drills and TAWC

    I’m hoping you haven’t, but you may have noticed some weird things with the blog this past week. If you use the www.amandalynnpetrin.com link, it disappeared for a while and now either looks funny and is not secure, or you can’t reach it. Does anyone who reads this have a knack for websites? I will slowly but surely figure it out, but for now the blog lives at wordpress.com and my website is a work in progress. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. On Monday I finally got to catch up on all the things I have been putting off, like figuring out the blog, answering emails and…

  • ACTRA and the end of the Auto Show

    Working at the Auto Show is a great opportunity for actors, writers and creatives who have the time. A history of trade shows for the campground also really prepared me for the hours on your feet, repeating the same things to every passerby, hoping to hook one into an actual conversation. I am so grateful I got the opportunity…but I really wish it was at a different time. Last Wednesday I got up early and spent as much time as I could at the ACTRA conference before having to get to the auto show. This meant I had breakfast while catching up with a lovely actress I met there last…

  • You don’t just want to be busy

    This past week or so has been crazy busy, which I love. When you’re two days into the workweek and have already clocked over 27 hours, you feel pretty accomplished. Until you realize that you’re behind on everything, and then you feel guilty. You see, I’ve been working pretty consistently in 2019, but the self tapes with Ayisha were pretty much the extent of my acting this year. I realized that in my fervour to make the money that would allow me to keep pursuing my dream past some arbitrary deadline, I was forgetting to actually pursue my dream. I know supporting myself and not being homeless is a huge…