Looking Back on 2018

This year has been incredible for me. Courage definitely did not fail me as I went after so many of the things I wanted, did things that scared me and achieved things I wasn’t sure were possible.

As far as the goals I hoped to accomplish, here’s where I’m at:

Believe I’m Kickass

100% in the physical sense and also just being someone who goes after what they want. Maybe not 100% of the time, but I do know that I have it in me. Pole dancing, boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, aerial yoga, parkour, competing in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, stunt classes and workshops, horseback riding stunts, krav maga, archery…these are some of the cool classes I have taken this year, and not been terrible at. Not only am I not afraid anymore, I actually love most of those classes. Now that I believe it, my next goal will be to get materials that reflect this new badassness, so headshots, a demo reel and a look/attitude that match it.

New Skills

As I just mentioned, all kinds of new skills. Not sure I would say I am proficient at most of them, but I went out there and tried things and gained some skills. Perhaps I’m still at the “jack of all trades; master of none” stage, but I am figuring out what I like and want to spend more time on.

Send a book to Publishers

Writing is where I have been the most lax this year. I didn’t win any of the Nano months and don’t think I even touched any of the manuscripts I had been working on. That isn’t to say I didn’t write, but definitely not at the level of previous years. It is true that I haven’t had as much free time as I am used to, but that’s because I actually get to live my own life rather than vicariously through my characters. Still, if something is important to you, you find a way, and if it isn’t you find excuses. So no more excuses.

Film Something I Wrote


I was so unbelievably successful with this one. I became an AABP member (ACTRA Additional Background Performer) which allowed me to participate in a contest where my concept was chosen. The YEAA (Young Emerging Actor’s Assembly) Committee then funded my project and provided me with the equipment I would need to make it come to life. It premiered at the Reel World Film Fest in October. This November, I filmed a second short that I co-wrote, this time as a TIP (Toronto Independent Production) which gave me my first ACTRA credit and made me an ACTRA apprentice. It is also a story I am really proud of, that is happy and sad and funny and touching and was an absolute blast to film. I cannot wait to see the finished project and share it with everyone!

Build my Toronto Show Bible

So I haven’t sat down and written out my Toronto show Bible yet, and I may have imported the majority of my crew for the TiP from Montreal, but I have also been meeting a whole lot of amazing people through networking events, the ACTRA conferences, the YEAA committee, the TAWC committee and panels, background work, classes, jiu-jitsu, workshops…My network is expanding and I am surrounding myself with some awesome peeps!

3 Nanos

As mentioned previously, I didn’t actually finish any of the Nanos, but I did finish at least 3 scripts, a one pager and have a lot of producing ideas in the works. I do miss writing books though, so will definitely be back at this in the new year.

15 Speaking Days

This did not happen. Moving to a new city didn’t help, but I also joined AABP, which means I could no longer do any non-union work, but wasn’t entirely considered ACTRA either. It was a really slow year for me acting wise, but I made incredible strides by joining both of the unions (UDA and ACTRA) so although there will be more professional competition, I will have less barriers and hopefully do a lot better in 2019.

50 Networking Events

I got to 50 networking events in March, and didn’t stop there. Some were classes, some were days of work, but all involved meeting and talking with fellow actors. I saw plays, met up with Actor’s groups, went to the ACTRA awards and conferences, joined TAWC (Toronto ACTRA Women’s Committee), watched award shows, attended some, took workshops and masterclasses…not to mention I lived with actresses so I didn’t even have to leave the house (I did though). Sometimes I still feel like a fish out of water, but generally, I think I am doing a lot better at networking, and am building more meaningful relationships rather than meeting a bunch of new people who will never remember my name.

Get Agent

Done! Ilona from Bean and Co. was just starting out, but she has a head on her shoulders and knows what she is doing. We have a plan for the New Year and I can’t wait to see what it has in store!


Done and Done! First as an AABP, and now as an APPRENTICE. Onto Full Membership!!!

2018 was also a pretty awesome year for things that I hadn’t planned or resolved to do. I did auditions and self tapes, saw a bunch of movies and tv shows that inspired me, did a photoshoot, hung out with friends and fellow actors, workout out a lot in fun ways that didn’t feel like working out, took a break from journaling because life was taking up too much time, joined AABP, joined UDA, joined ACTRA, spent a week in the Dominican Republic with family, wrote, produced and starred in two shorts, did fighting for film workshops, a horseback riding stunts workshop, pole danced, boxed, did archery and parkour and burlesque, competed in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament, was a bridesmaid in my cousin’s wedding. Went to multiple bachelorette parties and bridal showers and weddings, knit a blanket for and met my new niece, organized a Basics of Producing Panel and took an active role in the TAWC committee, went to the Gemeaux Awards in Montreal, ACTRA awards in Toronto, tried kickboxing and muay thai and krav maga and aerial yoga, went on a bunch of dates, met an incredible guy in jiu-jitsu class, kind of definitely fell for him, moved in with him, brought him home to my family for Christmas, joined a dungeons and dragons group for a while, sang lots of karaoke, so many family parties and events, housed all kinds of montreal expats and made a movie with some of them, was nominated in the Yes Let’s Make a Movie Film Festival for Best Actress, submitted scripts that I wrote for competitions, participated in a director workshop, so many networking events, participated in a mock trial on sexual assault, wrote with friends, worked at a BJJ/acting kids camp, got eyelash extensions, drove back and forth to Montreal a million times, took gymnastics lessons, was in French mini-play things, met and hung out with really cool people, got an agent, did a stretching photoshoot, took someone down on local tv, Nell Shipman Awards, went to open mats, my grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary and 80th birthdays, learnt how to drain ears to prevent cauliflower ears, all kinds of workshops and pre-production meetings, went to Lake George with the fam for American Thanksgiving, lost people, became an Ontario resident, watched the Rocky movies, got visits from family and friends, in Montreal and in Toronto, started learning a new language, etc., etc., etc…


2018 was an amazing year of preparation and getting things ready. It was magical, and I can’t wait for 2019

“Sometimes opportunities float right past your nose. Work hard, apply yourself and be ready. When an opportunity comes you can grab it.”

-Julie Andrews


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