O Thym


It was Chelsea’s birthday this week, so we went out for supper to celebrate that, as well as her being one step closer to completing her PhD. Have I mentioned I have an amazing and talented cousin?

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We went to a really cute restaurant in Montreal, so I decided it would be the perfect opportunity for my first restaurant review.

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The first course was a soup, that none of us ordered, but was included with everyone’s meal. It was delicious. Pumpkin, turnip and sage, according to the waitress. I don’t really like turnip, but the flavors blended so I didn’t notice it. Perfect for a chilly evening 🙂

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Some of the others had starters, which looked pretty tasty, but I waited for the Trou Normand, which was apple sorbet soaking in ice wine. There was a hint of cinnamon to it, that made the whole thing taste kind of like apple pie. I normally say no when something has alcohol as a prominent ingredient, just because I don’t drink and don’t particularly like the taste, but ice wine is an exception. Especially when you give me a palet cleanser that tastes like a refreshing version of a comfort food dessert!

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The main meals varied from beef to game to salmon, but I opted for the vegetarian option, because the english translation had been mushroom pie, which had me excited and intrigued. In the end, my meal consisted of philo pastry, topped with hummus and mushrooms, as well as a pile of salad with lentils and a mountain of parmesan cheese. So yummy!

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There were 3 dessert options, and I am told that all were delicious, although I only sampled the maple creme brulee and the bread pudding with blueberries. Unfortunately, we dug in and finished the desserts without me remembering to take a picture. I even missed the adorable tea cups and coffee mugs. I say adorable because they were so small, but actually pretty simple as far as cups go.

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The restaurant had 2 sittings, one at 6 and the other at 9. We thought we had so much time to spare when we were told we had the table until 8:45, but it really took us all that time, and we could have stayed longer. It didn’t feel long, because there were so many courses, and although I never felt rushed, more food seemed to arrive just as I felt I wanted it.

As far as the decorating, there was an interesting collection of superimposed images, featuring President Obama dressed as superman and Michael Jackson mashed up with Marilyn Monroe. Still, my favorite part would be the hanging lightbulbs. I don’t know why, but I feel like you can put them anywhere and the place automatically becomes warmer and mystical and somewhere I would want to hang out.

I definitely recommend it as a place to spend a few hours catching up with friends, or getting to know someone new. It does get kind of loud though, which is a perfect excuse to have to lean in close on a first date 😉

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