• Nano, BJJ and Being Social

    I had a pretty standard week, work-wise, to start off April. I worked at the gym, did some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes, hopefully made some progress…mostly the usual, with the addition of camp nano, where I am trying to write a book within a month. I have it all plotted out, so I thought it would go super smoothly, but I decided to try my hand at time travel, which means there’s a lot more research and figuring out to do. Socially, I was more productive 😉 My parents came to town on Tuesday, so we went out for supper, then for lunch on Wednesday. On Thursday I met up with…

  • The Last Week

    Some very interesting things have happened in the few weeks since I last posted. Chronologically, I will start with the last class of the month at Suzanna’s; audition class. We spent the first few minutes discussing how I went from being in class indefinitely, to “I’m moving to Toronto in December.” Suzanna wasn’t ready to lose me to Toronto, and to be honest it didn’t seem real to me yet either. I was apartment hunting and figuring out budgets and finding all kinds of potential roommates, but it still felt like something that wasn’t really going to happen. An old friend from class came in unexpectedly, which was really nice,…

  • All Kinds of Reading

    I have a week’s worth of fun acting things to share with you 🙂 First off, I filmed a few scenes for a horror movie last weekend. It’s the one where we have no script, so the director basically tells us what has to happen in the scene, and then we improvise. What makes it even more interesting is that it is being filmed on a gopro, and my costar is the one filming, in character, so I have no idea what I look like, or even when the camera will be on me. This is a project I really cannot wait to see the finished product of, because it…

  • Sets and Scenes

    Sometimes, I feel like absolutely nothing is going on for me career-wise, and then I look at my schedule and realize I have something every single day. That is what has happened to me since my last post. If this trend could keep up for the rest of the summer, and my life, that would be amazing 🙂 I spent two days on a French production pretending to be a high school student, which showed me that no matter how young people (including myself) still think I am, I am way older than actual high school students. Not that I have all the answers or have all these life experiences,…

  • Here comes October… :)

    Time seems to be going by so quickly this year. It is already October, which means lots of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and probably the last sunny days of the season. I did pretty good on my September list, so I’ll put a new one for October at the bottom of this post 😉 -Read 5 plays CHECK 🙂 I now know the stories of Lady Windermere’s Fan, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, The Glass Menagerie, The Children’s Hour and Steel Magnolia’s. Not to mention all of the books I have been reading as well. I get tweets from a guy called ‘Advice for Writers’ who is often saying that…

  • Stunts, Meetings and Sets

    Last Friday was a pretty exciting and scary day for me. The afternoon was mostly interesting, since I got another case to portray at the McGill simulation center. I had a much more elaborate backstory, with boyfriends and occupations and it was slightly stressful, but so much fun also. I am really enjoying the time before we start the scenarios, when all of the fake patients hang out in a room and talk. Most of the time it is about shows or the weather or random things that are going on, not actually acting, but it truly is inspiring to be a part of this program that caters to the…

  • Patience and Patients

    Things have been going pretty good for me lately 🙂 I am not overly busy, but I pretty consistently have something to do, which is nice. Don’t get me wrong, I love staying at home in my pj’s, watching tv and writing all day, but I can’t help but feel guilty for all the things I’m not doing, and it won’t make my dreams come true if that’s what I am doing every day. Last Saturday, I woke up 4 hours before my call time so I could drive the 2 and a half hours to Ottawa without having to worry about being late. It was a long drive by…

  • That’s a Wrap :)

    I am now back home, after the bittersweet wrap of my character in the movie. It is really good to be home, and to get back to the hustle, but I definitely miss getting up every day and acting. Last Saturday I had the Tom Todoroff workshop. Emilie and I practiced extensively on Friday, putting so much effort into the blocking and using everything Tom has ever told me or anyone else at a workshop. Every movement had to be motivated, the scene had to go somewhere, we had to remember the time period…It was a lot of fun and we got there on Saturday, me with Carolyne and her…