• End & Begin

    Saturday was the end of an era as far as stage combat was concerned. Or at least the end for now, until Level 2 starts in the new year. We learnt some knee moves and slaps before filming ourselves doing a short choreography, which was so much fun. If you have the chance, definitely take Stage Combat with Shawn Baichoo 🙂 On Sunday, I watched my cousin cross the finish line of her very first half-marathon before doing a reading of a play for a friend. I have always really wanted to be a part of a table read, so this was one for the career bucket list! We continued…

  • Begin Again :)

    Yesterday I felt like an actor. And a writer. It was wonderful 😉 My workday officially started with an audition for a horror movie, without a script, where we are filming ourselves, sort of like The Blair Witch project. We will have characters, and a storyline, but the dialogue will come from our own reactions, in the moment. This is what he explained when I got there, then had me audition with some sides he had sent. I used to always learn my lines without really paying much attention to my scene partner’s lines, which you can get away with most of the time, but unless you are doing it…

  • Two Is Better Than One…

    …And Four Is Even Better! This month I get to go to Suzanna’s class on both Tuesday and Wednesday, which is one of my favorite things! Even better is that this month I am doubled up, so I had two scenes on Tuesday, and then due to scheduling, I got two scenes on Wednesday as well. On Tuesday, I got to class early after a golf lesson with my parents, and when Suzanna asked me how my week went, I said ‘Okay’, not really thinking it was much to write home about. Because in my head I had been thinking about all the things I need to do but am…