• It’s Not Just The Destination That Counts

    Lately I have been looking at pictures of the Sundance Film Festival, or the SAG Awards show, and wishing I could be there. But, when this pang of longing hits, I realize that it’s not just being there for the premieres, festivals and award shows that counts. I’m sure it would be amazing to somehow get to be at either of those places, but how much more incredible will it be to walk around Sundance actually promoting a film that I put long, hard hours into auditioning and preparing and filming, or going to the SAG awards because something that I was in, or a performance that I gave, touched…

  • I’m Finally Here!!!

      I have now been in L.A. for a week and am loving it! (although right now probably isn’t the best time to be writing, as I just said goodbye to my parents, who are flying home now, making me all alone for the next 18 days) This town has a weird effect on me, as my dreams have never felt more realistic or close than they do here, but they also feel extremely far away and unrealistic. I think it is because I am so close to where the magic happens, to all of the Hollywood icons, but I am also surrounded by so many people with the same…

  • Self-Management for Actors

    So it is not my habit to write book reviews instead of posts, but I just finished Bonnie Gillespie’s Self-Management for Actors, and it is amazing! The book starts out with advice for the actor at the beginning of their career, dealing with things like finding your type, the costs of an acting career, training, resumes, headshots, demo reels and websites. But there is a logical, or hopefully chronological progression that then goes on to finding an agent, a manager…I know the rest of the book is still advice, and I will definitely refer back to it once I become a working actor, but for now, a lot of the…