• An Exciting Month

    We’re secure! By that, I mean that there is a little lock icon beside the website url because I fixed the security issue and people should be able to find the blog again. Amanda 1, Technology 0, right? This past month has been pretty consistent as far as working for the gym and doing Jiu-Jitsu classes, doing background as a high school student and living a multitude of lives as a standardized patient. There’s also some new/exciting things happening. For starters, I turned 29 and celebrated and had a wonderful time. Then I realized I only have one year left to accomplish my 30 by 30, and slightly panicked. But…

  • Family, Sets and Cold Reads

    This week was pretty awesome on all fronts. On Monday I worked from home and got to see the rough cuts for a few scenes from Get-Together, which looks amazing from a completely unbiased perspective. Then I spent the afternoon/evening on set doing background. On Tuesday I spent the whole day on set and got so much side work done. I am playing a student so I get to walk around with pens and notebooks and spend scenes (or in between takes) writing, which is the absolute best for me. I plan my months, I come up with story ideas, I plot my Nano camps…let’s just say it leads to…

  • A Different Kind of Easter

    I usually like to spend my Easter Day finding clues and chocolates scattered around my house as well as my grandmother’s, but this year we did things a little different. For starters, my parents and I spent the weekend in Toronto so that my dad could catch up with his best friend, and I could do background on a pilot. Just a little background info, a pilot is the first episode of a TV series that will be used to try and convince a network to order more episodes, so that it can hopefully become an actual series. As far as the extras are concerned, there isn’t that much of…

  • Easter Adventures :)

    Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend 🙂 I finally got my birthday brunch at Chez Cora, and spent lots of time with my family, including an awesome easter egg hunt. Passerbys might have found it odd to see the 8 of us rushing around, reading clues and finding chocolates, especially since the youngest among us were 22, but we wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 Also, Dark Shack is now on imdb, you can check the page out and give it a like here:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3665768/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1 As for last week, on Tuesday Rikki and I went to Dale Carnegie. We had an interesting discussion with some of our classmates about…

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