• Check it out ;)

    Over the past few days, I have had a blast hanging out with other actors, having coffee with Carolyne, and even attending an information session on antibiotics for the Science and Policy Exchange (the next one is June 2nd and on Mental Wellness, in case you would like to attend). However, this post will be short and sweet, I just wanted to share 2 of the amazing pictures I got from my seesion last month with Sabrina Reeves. You can check them out here, and if you are so inclined, you can also give them a like 😉 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6031789/

  • Self-tapes and Credits :)

    As my chocolate countdown to Christmas gets on its way, I am also realizing how close January 1st is, with so much to do, but I remain optimistic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? After my last blog post, I spent the day checking things off of my to-do list. I have one for every week until the New Year, and so far I have been mostly finishing them (except for a few things that really had arbitrary deadlines). I worked on learning a second monologue, in case I get a meeting with an agent and need one. I made a list of casting directors I would like…

  • Submissions, Screenings and Imdb :)

    Hope everyone is recovering nicely from Thanksgiving feasts, or just the weekend if you don’t live in the States. I spent the past few days in Lake George, which was one step closer to experiencing a real American Thanksgiving, but I would like to one day spend it in a home, cooking and watching football with friends and family, not eating with my parents in a Denny’s. Even so, we had an amazing time, but this post is mostly about all the really cool things that happened last Wednesday after I finished the post. First of all, once I was done blogging, I rewatched all of the takes Suzanna shot…