• Remember the Memory

    You might have noticed a few new tabs in the menu. This is for two specific reasons, and I’m pretty sure at least one can be useful to you. If you are reading this because you think I’m pretty awesome, then you will be glad to see that I am going to be slowly expanding on the blog, to share more about my experiences, what I like and what inspires me. On the other hand, if you really enjoy one part of the blog and skim through my posts to get to the good stuff, then I am making things simpler for you. I will be working on sorting out…

  • Trust That You Are Enough :)

    Nearly every word out of Margie’s mouth was a pearl of wisdom, but none affected me more than the one I chose as the title for this blog. I know I mentioned it in my last post, but it’s still my favorite. I am back home in Montreal now, getting back to my day job, at least for a little while, but there is still so much of my trip I haven’t shared with you, so here it goes, my last few days in Hollywood! Day 2 with Margie was intense, to say the least. It involved ‘living a life’, learning the Haber Phrase Technique, and singing. And the singing…

  • Week One!!!

    This week has been absolutely crazy and I am loving it! It actually isn’t done, since we have improv and a casting associate tomorrow, but I don’t know when I will get free time again, so I thought I would write a little something on here. I never really doubted my decision to do the ISP, but if I had, all of these doubts would now be gone. We are a group of 14 ISPers, and each and every one of them is amazing, and so fun to be around. Which is good, because we rarely leave each other’s sight. The program is designed to be intense, and to put…