• Trust that it's there

    Audition class is both the easiest, and the hardest. It is easy because at this point, we should know our lines and have done all the work, but we are also expected to improve on what we’ve learnt, and do better than the explorations of the previous weeks. Last night, my goal was to be able to cry. Unlike other times when I have ignored crying stage directions, I actually put in a solid effort. I did lots of research and tried different things. A lot of sites mention practice, like training a muscle, but I also suffer from allergies, and didn’t want to add to the irritation on my…

  • Be Loose…But Just to an Extent…

    I had my afternoon planned on Tuesday. I had a list of things to accomplish, one of which was reviewing my scenes for class that night. Unfortunately, I got carried away with my first task, which was finishing up a story before Nanowrimo starts on Sunday. Let’s just say I got inspired and only had a few minutes once I got to class to reread the scenes. Instead of panicking, since I knew my lines, I decided to be loose. Instead of cramming to make sure that I had the lines down as well as I thought I did, I decided to just let it go, listen to my scene…