• Commercial Families and Family Videos

    Sometimes the rejection from the acting industry can really get to you and bring you down, even when you know there can be a million other reasons why you don’t get a part, a lot of which having absolutely nothing to do with you. Still, that can be hard to remember when you are auditioning or sending in self-tapes and offering to work for free and still getting turned down. I am not saying that I am currently letting it get me down, because I am absolutely optimistic about the new self-tape I sent in this weekend, and am working hard on an “I am enough” mindset, but something that…

  • January 2017

    January has been a bit of a roller coaster as far as my state of mind. I started off the year still very inspired after Bonnie Gillespie’s Get in Gear for the New Year adventure, then got sort of lazy and uninspired when it felt like nothing was happening. I spent weeks watching almost every movie or show that was nominated for either a Golden Globe, an Actor or an Oscar. I watched press junkets, interviews (Brandprov!) and a bunch of videos from acting coaches about how to be successful and to make 2017 my year. A theme throughout a lot of them was that believing in myself was of the…

  • The best friend mindset

    Our minds are really incredible things. I have been reading a lot of articles lately about the difference between successful vs non-successful people, or even hot vs not hot girls (horrible title, but the article was really good) and they all seem to imply that a huge part of it is due to a shift in mindset. Which means that I can work as hard as I want, but if I don’t think I’m good enough and I don’t think I’ll make it, then I probably won’t. Unless I am auditioning for a really shy person with absolutely no self-confidence. Then I would nail it. But, as far as my…

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