• Sets and SPs

    This past Monday I got my first day on a Toronto set in years, and it was…a lot of things. When I was doing the back and forth for Reign, it was my first experience with knowing the names of some of the ADs, and also having them know mine. When I checked in at my call time, the girl didn’t have to ask me my name, she just highlighted it and handed me my voucher. This was followed by years of background in Montreal until finally, this past Spring, I got them to know me. I spent the summer being one of the people whose name the AD knows,…

  • All Kinds of Reading

    I have a week’s worth of fun acting things to share with you 🙂 First off, I filmed a few scenes for a horror movie last weekend. It’s the one where we have no script, so the director basically tells us what has to happen in the scene, and then we improvise. What makes it even more interesting is that it is being filmed on a gopro, and my costar is the one filming, in character, so I have no idea what I look like, or even when the camera will be on me. This is a project I really cannot wait to see the finished product of, because it…

  • September 2016

    Near the end of every month, I start making a list of goals to accomplish over the next 30 days, because the 1st always seems like the perfect day to start again with a blank slate, or turn over a new leaf. Unfortunately, I often let myself get sidetracked, and convince myself things aren’t as important as I had made them out to be, which leads to certain things being continuously moved from month to month, never getting done. Years ago, I used to share my goals for the month in a blog post, which even if no one replied to, still held me accountable, and kept me motivated to…

  • Busy as a Bee

    I haven’t written in forever, which is partially because I have been busy, but mostly because there are two things that I wanted to figure out before sharing with you. Since they still haven’t been resolved, I decided to post what I can, and to give you the rest once I have all of the information. Since it has been quite a while, I won’t give you the day by day summaries I normally do, but will just let you know what has been going on with me (for the most part). I have had two classes with Suzanna. During the first one, I got to do 3 different scenes!…

  • Auditions and Monologues

    Summer has begun, and I now have a closet full of pretty dresses and shorts and summer clothes to wear! This seems silly to mention, but since I was 11, I worked at a campground, which meant that I spent the majority of my summer wearing a uniform, savoring the few precious days that I could actually wear normal clothes. Now that I quit my job, I can wear summer dresses every day! Which is exciting, but also terrifying, because having no job means I have no income. Which is probably why I have a love and hate relationship with my trip to the states last weekend. I had an…