Another Year Older
Since we are a year into my 30 by 30 list, I thought I would write a little post to fill you in on how that has been going 🙂 I have knit a baby blanket, and will be starting a new one tomorrow, as soon as I have bought some more yarn. Now that I know that I can, I definitely want to knit a blanket every time that someone close to me is having a baby. I spent a few really lovely days in New Orleans while on a road trip last Spring with my parents. Really cool to see the city in real life rather than on…
30 By 30
You may be rolling your eyes and thinking it’s a little too early to be thinking about the next five years when I haven’t even finished my 25 by 25, but with only 7/8 items left and concrete plans to finish most of them within the next month, I took to planning my next challenges. Really, it’s more of a plan of all of the exciting things I plan to do within the next 5 years 🙂 1. Publish a Book I have wanted to be a writer for as long as I have wanted to be an actress, and there are some members of my family who think I…