• Back from NYC :)

    I just spent an awesome weekend in New York City with my cousins. It was kind of cold and snowing, so we didn’t visit all the things we had planned, but we did get to see some major landmarks, hang out in Times Square and saw a Broadway play. It was On The Town, which I hadn’t heard of, and didn’t know anyone from the cast, but my cousin said it looked funny, and I actually really enjoyed it. We all did. We spent the night at McGee’s, the bar that inspired Maclaren’s from How I Met Your Mother. It was my cousin’s one requirement for the trip, that we…

  • Self-tape Challenge and Getting Out There

    How is everybody’s weekend going? I have been reading a lot of acting blog’s lately, notably The Working Actress, who no longer posts, but it is still interesting to see what happens for a working actress during pilot season. It’s kind of hectic and crazy but also something to aspire to. Anyway, she was posting mostly short posts pretty much every day, which I am thinking of giving a try. So don’t be surprised if I start posting more frequently, they should be pretty short and sweet 😉 So, in last Tuesdays class, we were 2 people short, which you would think would mean we finished early, but we always…

  • Our First Rehearsal

    So far 2015 has been pretty eventful. Not so much for me, but just kind of in general. The first few days of the new year were spent working on a plan to achieve everything I want to do this year. Using Bonnie Gillespie’s Ninja advice, I updated and edited my resume, prepared my receipts to make it easier come income tax time, made a list of everything I need to fix with my website, and also discovered what my brand is. I was one of those people who thought I could play anything, because I do love being a horrible person in acting class. However, in the world of…