Back from NYC :)

I just spent an awesome weekend in New York City with my cousins. It was kind of cold and snowing, so we didn’t visit all the things we had planned, but we did get to see some major landmarks, hang out in Times Square and saw a Broadway play. It was On The Town, which I hadn’t heard of, and didn’t know anyone from the cast, but my cousin said it looked funny, and I actually really enjoyed it. We all did. We spent the night at McGee’s, the bar that inspired Maclaren’s from How I Met Your Mother. It was my cousin’s one requirement for the trip, that we had to go there. We met up with one of their friends from high school, who is a fellow actor, studying in New York. We reminisced, caught up and he told me all about the possibilities a place like New York can offer. It was an amazing weekend, that I would definitely love to make a tradition of (the cousin getaway trip, although New York is always a good idea too 😉 )

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Also, last Thursday’s rehearsal went a bit different than the others we have had so far. We started off by playing some theater games to loosen up, and one of our numbers included dancing. They also discovered what I have long known, that I unfortunately have no rythm. For hand clapping that is, I think I can manage the dancing.

Now I have to leave you to watch the Oscars and learn some brandprov 🙂

“The Lights are so bright but they never blind me”

-Welcome to New York, Taylor Swift

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