• January 2019

    This year started off with me joining in on a lot of new traditions. After having celebrated Christmas with my family, we came back to Toronto to celebrate New Year’s with my boyfriend’s. New Year’s is a big deal in his family, so we went to a dinner/party on the 31st, then spent most of the 1st at his parents’, where friends came over to ring in the New Year. It was a short stay in Toronto before we went back to Montreal for Rikki and Jonathan’s wedding. We decorated the hall and had a little party on Friday before a sleepover, then Saturday was all about hair and makeup…

  • Train Like An Athlete

    To start off, I would like to elaborate on the inspiring articles I read last week. I often go through phases where I am extremely motivated, before I go back to my normal self. I don’t know exactly what it was last week, maybe it had to do with reading it in two separate books within a few hours of each other, but I decided to make a commitment, that I would stick to, so I would train like an athlete for the next 5 years. It’s kind of an arbitrary deadline, because it’s not like I plan on giving up in 5 years, but it was the timeline Hugh…