• Work, Class, Combat, Magic

    Already halfway through August. Summer is fading fast and I am nowhere near where I had planned to be by now, but I am still keeping busy. I have worked a few days at McGill, which is always fun. One day I was playing a woman who had just given birth, while also writing a story about a character in the same situation during our breaks. This definitely put me in an interesting head space, and I personally think it made the acting and the writing a little better, because they could feed off each other. I went to see two movies in theatres, both action/adventure films that I would…

  • One Step Closer :)

    One step closer to being a kickass character that is, although I wasn’t sure one of those words would fare well in the title. I’m also one step closer to getting work in Toronto, at least theoretically. To fill you in, on Thursday, we had our last rehearsal before going into tech week, which they keep referring to as Arena Hell Week. That starts today, so we will see how it goes 🙂 Then on Friday, all I had planned was to drive to Toronto for my stunt thing (which actually wasn’t so much about stunts. I misled you). I was packing up my things, about to head out when…