• An Exciting Month

    We’re secure! By that, I mean that there is a little lock icon beside the website url because I fixed the security issue and people should be able to find the blog again. Amanda 1, Technology 0, right? This past month has been pretty consistent as far as working for the gym and doing Jiu-Jitsu classes, doing background as a high school student and living a multitude of lives as a standardized patient. There’s also some new/exciting things happening. For starters, I turned 29 and celebrated and had a wonderful time. Then I realized I only have one year left to accomplish my 30 by 30, and slightly panicked. But…

  • Surprise Auditions and Getting Ready

    So last week, pretty much exactly when I finished the last blog post, I got an email requesting me to come to an audition that evening. It came from a girl I had submitted to in July, for something completely different, and hadn’t heard from since. Sometimes it amazes me how some auditions come to be. The audition was for a teenager, which is in my playing range, but I was the only one there who drove myself and didn’t have a parent waiting with me. Since it is for a commercial thing and not a show, I think they might actually be looking for someone that young looking, although…

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