25 Things To Do Before I Turn 25

This isn’t so much a post, as a list. I have a lot of interesting things going on that I will write about once they are more concrete, but in the meantime, I am going to share this.

Last week when I was filming, our makeup artist mentioned that she had completed 23 of the 25 items on her list of things to do before she turns 25. She gave a few examples of things on her list, and I figure it would be a great deadline to accomplish some goals. This list is hopefully realistic, and I fully intend on completing all 25 before April 11th 2015. I will bring the list back every so often so I can cross things off, and when I will turn 25, we will see how far I got!

1.Have an imdb page with a credit

2.Become a member of ACTRA

3.Replace all high school and CEGEP credits on my CV

4. Get my website up and running

5. Get to my goal weight (Be healthy)

6.Finish writing a book

7. Get a paid acting job 🙂

8. Make a demo reel

9. Get an agent

10. Take a voice/diction class

11. Do a role with an accent (can be for Tom Todoroff or Suzanna, student film, etc)

12. Be on Being Human

13. Go to a gun range and learn how to shoot

14. Complete Tough Mudder

15. Fall In Love <3

16. Finish the stunt class

17. Visit a country I have never been to


18. Wait Tables (As an actress, it kind of comes with the territory, and becomes necessary after #19)

19. Quit my day job (go for one in the entertainment industry)

20. Go Scuba Diving

21. Re-become fluent in Spanish

22. Spend a Weekend with Friends in Vegas

23. Go on a Road Trip

24. Do Insanity

25. Learn how to dance


“The most direct route to self-love and success is to make a series of commitments and keep them – no matter what.”

-Tom Todoroff

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