BB Bakery Afternoon Tea

While Chelsea was still in town, we went for afternoon tea at the BB Bakery in Covent Garden. We slightly cheated the system in order to get in, because you need to reserve 24 hours in advance for their afternoon tea (there are, however, loads of delicious sweets and beverages that you can order without such a thought out commitment).
Before any decisions were made, we were each brought a glass of freshly pressed orange juice, with an ice cube because the orange must have been room temperature. I never order orange juice and don’t really drink it normally, but I love freshly squeezed orange juice, and I could use some vitamin C, so the OJ was a very welcome treat 🙂
Chelsea is on an English Breakfast kick, and she keeps talking about it, so I decided to go for the traditional blend as well. One thing we both loved was that the china was different. The cups from the saucers, mine from hers, and even each level of the cake tray.
This tea is one of the more affordable ones I have gone to, so we were pleasantly surprised to find that half our ‘sandwiches’ were hot. There was a possibly cheese, chive and leek quiche that was delicious, and a warm bready thing with egg and peppers and cheese inside. I realize that if I want to keep doing these blogs where I talk about food, I will have to do more research into what I am given, and find better descriptions than delicious and heavenly. I apologize and will try to do better next time. The other two sandwiches were cucumber (with dill) and a chicken sandwich, which was more of a mini foccacia with grilled chicken and tomatoe. Not your typical afternoon tea sandwiches, but they were exactly what we needed on that chilly day.
Desserts, I am finding out, are not everyone else’s favorite part of tea, which is surprising for me. I love the sandwiches, yes, but it’s the sweets, and being allowed to try each one that is the real treat for me. I thought the cupcake looked like dark chocolate, so I went to eat it first, but put it aside after one bite. It was moist and not bitter and exactly what a chocolate cupcake should be. The pistachio macaron was also perfect, as was the whipped cream and berry pastry. The crunchy top, soft bottom, cream filled one on the left was soo good, but the marshmallow topping on the lemon tart was pure heaven.
Scones were brought to us at the end, since they only cook them once you are ready for them. They were interestingly shaped, and kind of smaller than most other ones, but also very tasty.
I would give BB Bakery Covent Garden an 8, mostly because I feel like I can’t just give every place the same score. For the price, it was definitely incredible, the food was delicious, the staff was really nice and it was really cute.


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