• Typing up and Tea

    I had my first official go out of the house and work day on Wednesday, which is embarrassing, because I wish I worked a lot more. That is to say, I am almost always working, it just usually isn’t the kind where I get paid in relation to the hours I put in. That being said, I spent the day watching people sing and play games in between organizing my stories and putting down new ideas. Not to mention seeing some friends and singing along to Miley Cyrus. If every day could be like that, I would be one happy actress/writer. The rest of the week was mostly spent typing…

  • Gryphon D'Or Tea Room

    Did I want to go here because it sounds like Gryffindor and I love Harry Potter? Maybe. Was the Afternoon Tea worth it even though it has nothing to do with J.K. Rowling’s masterpiece? Absolutely. Your first step is to choose a tea. JF chose gingerbread, while I went for Spicy Apple Pie, which sounded absolutely delicious, but I never got to taste, because they were out of it. I opted for the Gryphon Breakfast, which was pretty good, but not the dessert tea I had been looking forward to.   Next came the scones and assorted toppings. The scones were warm, which I love, and had a very subtle…

  • Baglioni Afternoon Tea

    To finish off Easter Weekend, Molly and I went for tea at the Baglioni, a nice hotel right at the bottom of Kensington gardens. They have the option of a traditional afternoon tea, or one with an Italian twist, and we both went Italian. We also chose the Earl Grey Darjeeling, which was lovely to not have to choose between the two, and it was paired with our glasses of Bellavista. The sandwiches were absolutely delicious. We both went for the warm focaccia bread first, which was filled with grilled vegetables, like peppers and mushrooms. There was a small panini with parmesan, rocket and bresaola (a crispy italian meat), then…

  • BB Bakery Afternoon Tea

    While Chelsea was still in town, we went for afternoon tea at the BB Bakery in Covent Garden. We slightly cheated the system in order to get in, because you need to reserve 24 hours in advance for their afternoon tea (there are, however, loads of delicious sweets and beverages that you can order without such a thought out commitment). Before any decisions were made, we were each brought a glass of freshly pressed orange juice, with an ice cube because the orange must have been room temperature. I never order orange juice and don’t really drink it normally, but I love freshly squeezed orange juice, and I could use…

  • Delaunay Afternoon Tea

    Last Thursday, Molly and I had the afternoon off, so we decided to have tea at the Delaunay. Since the afternoon tea was under 20 pounds, I assumed there would be no refills, and wasn’t expecting much. I was wrong. Very wrong. We walked in to the Counter at the Delaunay, a little pub-like-cafe-restaurant and said we had a reservation for afternoon tea. The waiter then brought us to a different, fancier restaurant with coat check and a humungus booth. Once we ordered our teas, we quickly got the drinks (Earl Grey and Assam) as well as the 3 tiered food tray. When we saw there was only one of…

  • Tea at Sketch

    Chelsea was in town this weekend, and she was a little jealous of all of the amazing teas I have been going to, so on Saturday we decided to go to Sketch. You can reserve for tea in the Gallery, which is the pink room, but I believe it fills up pretty quickly. Luckily, they do not take reservations for the Parlour, nor for the Glade. The doorman said it would be at least a 40 minute wait when we got there, and he suggested we come back, so we went to check out Liberty, then came back and were seated after a short stint at the bar. Now, we…

  • Afternoon Tea at the Ritz

    While my parents were in town last week, we decided to do Afternoon Tea in style. I don’t just mean because the Ritz is a pretty fancy place; they also have a dress code. No one can wear sneakers, and men are expected to wear a jacket and a tie. Which meant a quick shopping trip before making it to our reservation. Once there, I did ask, and the cloakroom is used to lending out ties, jackets and shoes to people who don’t fit the dress code. So don’t worry, they won’t turn you away 🙂 We were let in a little early, and got to choosing our teas. My…

  • Hotel Cafe Royal ~ Oscar Wilde Style

    Yesterday, we had another little midday break in our scheduling, so Molly and I ventured to the Hotel Cafe Royal for an afternoon tea in the Oscar Wilde Bar. First of all, the room is absolutely gorgeous, with the mirrors reflecting all the gold and making it all the more impressive. Not to mention the pianist who not only serenaded us with Disney, movie and musical tunes, he also took requests from Molly 🙂 Upon the waitress’ and Molly’s urging, I did not take the masculine, Oscar tea, but I did take the golden one, inspired by the details of the room’s ceiling. I forget the name and didn’t actually…

  • Mad Hatter Tea Party @ The Sanderson

    Monday was dance night here at LAMDA, so other than a couple of rehearsals scattered throughout the day, we mostly had the day off. We took advantage by rehearsing our scenes and dances for the performances on Thursday, but I also invited a few friends to join me for a Mad Hatter Tea Party at the Sanderson Hotel. Since the tea was Alice in Wonderland themed, all of the napkins had riddles on them, the menu was tucked away in a book, and the sugar came in this super cute ballerina music box, that actually played music every time Sydney opened it to get some sugar. The tea selections came…

  • Afternoon Tea at Brown's Hotel

    The afternoon tea at Brown’s Hotel not only looked spectacular during my research, it was also the one place that was consistently recommended to me, no matter who I talked to. Lucky for Molly and me, it did not disappoint 🙂 I got there early and was brought to our table to wait. I didn’t even have to ask for the comfy chairs by the fireplace, to warm my hands and bones until I could order my tea. I ordered the Brown’s Morning Blend, and it was delicious. At the end of the meal, we also got a little package each to take home 🙂 When the food trays arrived,…