Wanna Take a Selfie?
For someone who has always tried to stay away from selfies in life, I sure have been taking a lot of them lately 😉 On Sunday, I was supposed to meet up with the same people I did Sasha: Portrait of an Artist and Writer’s Guild with, so that I could film another part in their current film. I was early, so I decided to walk around while waiting for it to be closer to my call time. Instead, I rounded the corner and found them in the middle of filming another scene. I got to watch them at work, and do the clap that helps them synch the sound…
Coffee, Country, Café
I think we have already established that there are few things I enjoy more than being on set, so it was really fun to film a short a few weekends ago. On the Saturday, we met at a farm about an hour North of Montreal, where I roasted coffee beans, climbed a tree and filmed some scenes. We had a general idea of what we needed for each shot, but the dialogue was completely improvised. The story was a living thing, changing and growing as the day went on. I also had to repeatedly drive into the shot, which is definitely not on my list of things I love to…
Ups and Downs
I am best at learning lines when I get to run them with another person. I can read them on the paper, write them out…doing vocal warm ups with them would probably be the next best thing, but absolutely nothing beats going over the scene with a scene partner. It gives you someone to play off of, and you feel like you’re not just learning lines, you’re having a conversation. Which is why I was kind of worried when I found out my scene partner wasn’t able to make it to class on Tuesday. We had both missed the first week, so that night we were supposed to run it…
All Kinds of Reading
I have a week’s worth of fun acting things to share with you 🙂 First off, I filmed a few scenes for a horror movie last weekend. It’s the one where we have no script, so the director basically tells us what has to happen in the scene, and then we improvise. What makes it even more interesting is that it is being filmed on a gopro, and my costar is the one filming, in character, so I have no idea what I look like, or even when the camera will be on me. This is a project I really cannot wait to see the finished product of, because it…
And Still I Rise
I am generally the type of person who likes to plan ahead and often finds excuses not to accept new invitations when they come at the last minute. This is something I really want to change, so yesterday when a friend asked me if I wanted to go to the Montreal International Black Film Festival with her, instead of asking for details so I could find an excuse to not go, I simply said yes. I was already going downtown for a dry run, so I spent the afternoon editing and writing Shards Of Glass, then got changed and met Elysia outside the Imperial Theater. Not only were we going…
End & Begin
Saturday was the end of an era as far as stage combat was concerned. Or at least the end for now, until Level 2 starts in the new year. We learnt some knee moves and slaps before filming ourselves doing a short choreography, which was so much fun. If you have the chance, definitely take Stage Combat with Shawn Baichoo 🙂 On Sunday, I watched my cousin cross the finish line of her very first half-marathon before doing a reading of a play for a friend. I have always really wanted to be a part of a table read, so this was one for the career bucket list! We continued…
Almost Missed Opportunities
When I first got my facebook account, my dad made it a rule that I could only be friends with people I actually know, and have met in person. To this day, I still know every one of my facebook friends. I can tell you how I know them, possibly what they’ve been up to, as well as when and where we met. Except for all of those people that I haven’t met. Some of them are family who live far away. But some of them are potential friends I never ended up meeting, either because the projects fell through, we never shared any scenes, or, unfortunately, I flaked. For…
Begin Again :)
Yesterday I felt like an actor. And a writer. It was wonderful 😉 My workday officially started with an audition for a horror movie, without a script, where we are filming ourselves, sort of like The Blair Witch project. We will have characters, and a storyline, but the dialogue will come from our own reactions, in the moment. This is what he explained when I got there, then had me audition with some sides he had sent. I used to always learn my lines without really paying much attention to my scene partner’s lines, which you can get away with most of the time, but unless you are doing it…
Both Sides Now
I had three scenes to work on for Tuesday’s class, although one will have to wait until next week’s audition class 🙁 The first was a dramatic scene from Bloodline, which I have seen done before in class, but had never seen the show. I watched the pilot before class, so I would at least know who all of the players were. Plus, with Suzanna now having multiple Bloodline scenes in her repertoire, I kind of really wanted to check it out (and will probably keep watching it;) ) After watching the first episode…the more work I did on the scene, the more excited I was to step into Meg’s…
Back, with Knaps
After two weeks off, it was nice to get back to Stage Combat on Saturday. We learnt strikes (punches made to look fake for the stage), as well as a few combinations of the 5 of them (jab, straight, cross, hook and upper cut). It was a lot of fun, especially when we were doing them with a partner (as opposed to just striking into thin air). Does that make me a terrible person? It’s just a lot easier when you have someone to interact with and play off of. Unfortunately, my upper chest is not so pleased with being back. In stage combat, the noise you create to make…