Wanna Take a Selfie?

For someone who has always tried to stay away from selfies in life, I sure have been taking a lot of them lately 😉

On Sunday, I was supposed to meet up with the same people I did Sasha: Portrait of an Artist and Writer’s Guild with, so that I could film another part in their current film. I was early, so I decided to walk around while waiting for it to be closer to my call time. Instead, I rounded the corner and found them in the middle of filming another scene. I got to watch them at work, and do the clap that helps them synch the sound to the footage, before we filmed the scene that I am in.

It was short and hilarious, but I had so much fun. And I had to take a selfie. My costar can attest that about half of them were actually of the cars in front of us, but I did manage to get a good one as well 😉 After talking about possible projects in the future, and catching up with them, I was wrapped. I can’t wait to see the finished project 🙂

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

-Maya Angelou

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