Castle and Cliffs of Dover

Although we were making a solid effort to spend Easter weekend seeing plays and working on our scenes, Molly, Sydney and I decided to spend Saturday in Dover.

We took the train over from Charing Cross, then walked the half hour from the rail station to the castle, which offered amazing views of the beach and the water. It was an interesting castle, but we only saw the keep and surrounding walls.

This was because Molly and Sydney were very anxious to get to the White Cliffs of Dover. We had to walk another half hour along a country road with absolutely no footpath to get to the cliffs. Once we were there, it was more than worth it. Pictures never do it justice, but the 45 minute walk to the lighthouse was breathtaking. Not just because it is so beautiful, but because the wind literally takes your breath away. It also either helps give you a push in the back so your steps take you farther, or makes you fight for every inch. I am pretty sure I could have let myself fall backwards and the wind would have kept me upright.
The tea room at the lighthouse was full, so we took a bus from St Margaret’s back to Dover, and failed in our search for an Afternoon Tea. We did, however, find ourselves at Brunch, which had an amazing mac and cheese. I am also told that the burgers and chai latte were delicious.

“To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it. But we must not drift or lie at anchor.”

-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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