Indie nite presents…

Last night I attended the first instalment of Indie Nite presents… By Raindance Montreal. It was a night to celebrate independent filmmaking in our city, with a focus on The Glass House, a feature made in the states, but starring an actress from right here (that I may have encountered at my audition a few weeks ago). It was really a cool film, with three sort of interwoven stories centred on family and children.  There were moments that broke my heart, moments that made me laugh, and moments when I wanted to close my eyes and watch from the cracks between my fingers. At the end of the night, there was a short, but funny and enlightening Q & A with some of the directors, most of which also wrote and starred in their projects. Talk about creating your own content!
Before the feature film, there were a few shorts. Two in French, two in English, and one animated puppet thing. Probably not the best description, but I was impressed. The shorts were all really good as well. Seeing what you can do with an idea and the acting community here in Montreal… It is definitely inspiring 🙂 even the trailers made me want to see more…
The evening had also started out with a cocktail hour, where you could buy drinks and mingle. I caught up with a friend I met a long time ago in acting class, some people I work with, and Vanessa, from The Dark Shack, who recently moved to Montreal 🙂
I am still having to talk myself into going to networking events, but I am really happy I went. I had a good time with really amazing people, saw some awesome filmmaking, and can’t wait to go to the next one in September 😉
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.”
– African proverb


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