• 2018

    In 2018, I resolve to act, write, and go out to do something every day. I resolve to work at least 40 hours every week on my career. I absolutely loved having CONFIDENCE as my word for 2017, and would want to keep it for this year as well, but I think you’re not supposed to, so I am going with COURAGE. As in have the courage to go up and talk to that person, to ask for help, to chase after my dreams, to do the things that scare me, to not be afraid to fail, because at least it means I’m trying. Most of all, the COURAGE to…

  • Oh What A Year

    I like to spend the last few days of December figuring out what I want to achieve in the next year, but I also like to take some time to go over everything that I have accomplished over the past 12 months. Every time I do this, I realize that even if I am not where I planned to be, I am still leagues further than I was. And especially this year, even if everything on the outside had stayed the same, I have not. I understand a lot more about myself, my comfort zone is huge compared to what it was, and I actually feel ready for all of…

  • Sets and SPs

    This past Monday I got my first day on a Toronto set in years, and it was…a lot of things. When I was doing the back and forth for Reign, it was my first experience with knowing the names of some of the ADs, and also having them know mine. When I checked in at my call time, the girl didn’t have to ask me my name, she just highlighted it and handed me my voucher. This was followed by years of background in Montreal until finally, this past Spring, I got them to know me. I spent the summer being one of the people whose name the AD knows,…

  • Not So Networking

    Business is winding down as the holidays are approaching, but some eager beavers are already thinking of the year to come, while others celebrate the end of the season, so I still had a lot going on this week. Monday morning I had an agent meeting in Toronto, which was really awesome, whether I get signed with them or not, because in addition to asking me questions and having me share why I could be an awesome member of their team, she also went through my resume with me, giving advice on what should stay and what should go, what classes I am missing, what casting directors are looking for…

  • Indie nite presents…

    Last night I attended the first instalment of Indie Nite presents… By Raindance Montreal. It was a night to celebrate independent filmmaking in our city, with a focus on The Glass House, a feature made in the states, but starring an actress from right here (that I may have encountered at my audition a few weeks ago). It was really a cool film, with three sort of interwoven stories centred on family and children.  There were moments that broke my heart, moments that made me laugh, and moments when I wanted to close my eyes and watch from the cracks between my fingers. At the end of the night, there…

  • Callbacks and Chemistry Reads

    In this case, I had a callback that doubled as a chemistry read. First, the terms: A callback is basically a second audition. After the people casting a project have seen everyone they are interested in, they will have a portion of those people come back and audition again. But a callback is not a chance to go in a different direction or try something new. You are expected to do exactly what you did the first time, which includes wearing the same clothes. And you are always expected to be ready to take direction. A chemistry read usually comes along later in the casting process, when they have already…