Keep Calm and Audition

On Tuesday we had our cold read class. Three people didn’t make it, so I was only able to do one of my scenes (I get two this month 🙂 ), a comedy 😉 It’s a scene from Knocked Up, where I kind of get upset and yell at Nick. It was fun for a cold read, but I am anxious to put it up as a scene, where we both know our lines and can really be in the moment. Suzanna also had a theme going on, of breakups due to the manchild-ness of the guy. Very fun to watch.

Since it was a smaller class, we did get to talk, mostly about our family’s assumptions as far as getting work as an actor and connections go, but we still finished on time 🙂

This morning, I had an audition for a project with Concordia students. The character was very like me in a lot of ways, and I actually found the whole plot really meaningful and interesting. Carolyne auditioning for another role in the same project is simply the cherry on top 😉

I got there and was introduced to the director and casting director, then was asked about my previous experience with student films, and what drew me to this particular project. In all honestly, I still have a habit of submitting for things that are in my age range, with a breakdown I like. But, I read the script once I was asked to audition, and I really do like the idea behind it, and would love to be a part of bringing this story to life.

I did the scene, which is actually a monologue, the way I had rehearsed it. I am very bubbly and enthusiastic and excited. Next, the director asked me to take my time a little, pausing between paragraphs, and emphasizing certain words, either because they are really important, or simply for the reaction. He told me it was very good both times, and said I would be excellent for continuity reasons. Apparently, he saw the character in me 🙂

We discussed dates and the project a little more before I headed out, with the promise that I will get an email within the next couple of weeks. I had a quick meet up with Carolyne afterwords, to let her know how my audition went, and to wish her luck for hers. Let’s all keep our fingers and our toes crossed 🙂

“My motto is: contented with little, yet wishing for more.”

-Charles Lamb

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