My Last Class…For now

Tuesday night was our last class with Suzanna this year, but it was also my last class until I get back from London, which seems like forever, although I’m sure it will go by in the blink of an eye.

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We each had a scene that we did audition style, before moving on to the Pizza and Wine Party. My scene was short and sweet (except for not actually sweet) from Accidentally on Purpose. Without any context and completely ignoring one of his lines, I did the scene way too sweet and nice, since I figured I was trying to make the best of an awkward run in with an ex.

When Suzanna explained the scene to me, I played it very differently. It was fun to stick up for myself like that, to make pop culture references and be sarcastic. A lovely last scene 🙂

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The party part was actually just those of us who could stay sitting around talking and eating pizza and the most delicious homemade peppermint cupcakes. I got advice on my trip to London, saying no to auditions and parts that won’t help my career, when it’s okay to work for free and a million different things that make me miss class and these people already. I have no doubt I will have an amazing time and make a lot of friends in London, but it’s also really nice to know I have such awesome people to come home to 🙂

“People come in and out of our lives, and the true test of friendship is whether you can pick back up right where you left off the last time you saw each other.”

-Lisa See

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