September 2016

Near the end of every month, I start making a list of goals to accomplish over the next 30 days, because the 1st always seems like the perfect day to start again with a blank slate, or turn over a new leaf. Unfortunately, I often let myself get sidetracked, and convince myself things aren’t as important as I had made them out to be, which leads to certain things being continuously moved from month to month, never getting done.

Years ago, I used to share my goals for the month in a blog post, which even if no one replied to, still held me accountable, and kept me motivated to accomplish them. Since I really want to step things up now and do the things that I keep putting off, especially the ones that scare me, I have decided to share my monthly goals with you again.

So, in September 2016, I will:

-Film a Scene that I wrote

-Finish a new draft of Shards of Glass

-Have a new monologue

-Be able to do 5 Pull Ups

Now I turn to you. What do you want to accomplish this month? What are tricks that help you stay on track, even when you are afraid or lazy or just don’t feel like it? Let’s help each other and do the things that tomorrow, we will wish we had done today 🙂

“The greater danger for us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.”



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