So, I used a Selfie Stick…

A little over a year ago, I had my first day on the set of a webseries I was cast in. Or written into, if we’re being specific, which still boggles my mind and makes me smile. So much. Since a character was written into the story of The Cohort for me, I have been a background guest at a party, done a photoshoot, and now, finally, I had my first speaking day 🙂

Yesterday, I was on set with a lot of the people who were at the party last year, as well as some new people, many of whom I knew from other places, which makes me feel like I am truly getting to know the rest of the actors hustling here in Montreal. It also makes for really enjoyable breaks between takes, because we get to catch up, and I always learn so much, every time I am on set. Either about the industry, classes, about myself, life…I never regret a day on set 🙂

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The day was spent with lots of shots where I am not talking, and mostly just running around in the background, but even this was so much fun. As opposed to when you are just background, I actually had a part, so although I wasn’t talking, I was still living the life of Breanne. We share a lot of the same characteristics, but Breanne is much more outgoing than I am. And she loves taking selfies, which I only do for workout challenges, and on the set of this webseries. It was on set, in the scenes that I used a selfie stick for the first time ever. And every single picture ended up upside down on my computer when I uploaded them. And I am often the only one not looking into the camera. So, still have some work to do on the whole selfie front.

As for my speaking scene, it was only a couple of lines that came at the end of the night, with just me and the two writers in the scene. We did a couple of takes from a few different angles, and we were done. Some of the easiest acting I have ever had to do, with awesome scene partners 😉

Every time I have an audition or film something, my dad likes to ask me if I am getting paid. I admit that this is usually a pretty good indicator of success, and sometimes, when I tell him that no, it’s a non-union, non-paying job, I feel just as disappointed as he is. This is not one of those times. The Cohort is a passion project, where everyone involved seems so excited about it. The writers are two of the nicest, most professional people I have ever worked with. They are funding everything from their own pockets, and are not making it easy on themselves with locations and crowd scenes, but they are doing an excellent job. Not only that, they are genuinely grateful for everyone who gives their time and skills to make it come to life. They are open to suggestions and care about everything. I truly had an amazing time yesterday, and even if I haven’t seen much of the footage yet, I am already so proud of everything they have accomplished, and can’t wait to be back on set 🙂

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“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

-Seth Godin


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