• The Cohort – A Wrap on Season One

    Back in September 2014, I auditioned for two separate roles on a webseries set in a university. I didn’t get either of those roles, even though I felt the audition went really well. Instead, a new character was written into the series for me. I am not sure how I inspired a selfie-obsessed instagram queen, but two and a half years later, I have taken more selfies than I ever could have expected to, and have absolutely loved the experience, from start to finish. A very bittersweet finish, because it is exciting to finally be done our first season, but I will also miss having a semi-consistent acting job. I…

  • The Power of Mantras

    A while back I mentioned that I started using mantras. I have always been pretty skeptical about them, partially because I was afraid of focusing on a mantra that wouldn’t come true and thus prove the theory wrong. You might not see the issue there, since not trying it would get the same effect, but part of me believes very strongly in the power of thought. So if my skepticism or setting my sights too high made the thing I visualized not come true, it would have reaffirmed my fears and that mantras don’t work…so I was afraid of sabotaging myself? It makes sense in my head. In that post…

  • Last Class of 2016

    This past week has been a pretty good balance of family, work and play. On Saturday, I had a lovely brunch with Carolyne and Lorraine, followed by the setting up of our Christmas Tree. Then on Sunday, I filmed a quick scene for the Cohort, before diving into the role of a belligerent drunk for a simulation. Not very me, but interesting to try out 😉 On Tuesday, we had our last class of the year, which usually includes food, wine and some interesting conversations. I went there right after visiting my nieces, so my arms were dead in the best possible way 🙂 My scene was from Monster-in-Law, near…

  • Dancing to no Music

    Although this weekend was pretty relaxed and family centered, last weekend we filmed a scene for the Cohort. Scheduling issues led to us having a lot of downtime after everyone’s makeup was done to simply hang out and talk. We caught up on each other’s lives, tv shows, but also on careers, the industry and our goals and ambitions. I know I say it all the time, but I absolutely love talking shop and hearing other people’s perspectives on this crazy life I have chosen. As for the scene itself, I wasn’t supposed to have a line in it, but other people couldn’t make it, so I got one. I…

  • Another Weekend On Sets

    I started off the weekend in the best way possible; at a spa and dinner date with my best friend for her birthday. On Saturday, I was background on a series that films here in Montreal, pretending to be a university student. I feel like I have never been so productive as when I was sitting in a classroom, listening to a lecture, so being able to do that without any kind of exam or testing on the material is absolutely wonderful 😉 I met some people, and got a lot of insight from one of the 3rd ADs. It was also really nice to see someone I know and…

  • A Perfect Labor Day Weekend

    When I left work on Friday, everyone was anticipating the long weekend. Yesterday was Labor Day, which could have meant 3 days spent lounging by the pool, catching up on some reading…a vacation. Instead, I got to do something a million times better. I got to act and do what I love all 3 days. It started out on Saturday, with some outdoor scenes for Diablo, a short fan film I am lucky enough to be a part of. We had to create an old medieval village, so I was out in the country with an awesome group of people. I decided to take advantage of the remoteness and didn’t…

  • Chase Your Dreams

    After a week off, we were back in class on Saturday, learning some more Stage Combat. I rushed in at the last minute after watching my cousin’s circus show. I am always amazed when watching those kind of performers, just like when my dad has me watching American Ninja Warrior with him, because they are crazy talented. Part of me always assumes that they have been training since birth and I would never be able to do any of the stuff they do. Which is probably true on most fronts, but at the same time, nothing is impossible. My cousin, who is currently touring the province in a circus show,…

  • So, I used a Selfie Stick…

    A little over a year ago, I had my first day on the set of a webseries I was cast in. Or written into, if we’re being specific, which still boggles my mind and makes me smile. So much. Since a character was written into the story of The Cohort for me, I have been a background guest at a party, done a photoshoot, and now, finally, I had my first speaking day 🙂 Yesterday, I was on set with a lot of the people who were at the party last year, as well as some new people, many of whom I knew from other places, which makes me feel…

  • Reasons to Stay

    I slightly panicked when I realized we were pretty much half way through July and I was way behind my word count for July’s Camp Nano (like the one in November where you write a book in a month, only you have a lot more freedom to choose your word count, page count, or to simply edit something you have already written). I have been spending a lot of my time this week trying to catch up on that, but I also had class with Suzanna on Tuesday 🙂 If you remember, our scene is from the Social Network, and we break up. The scene starts out with us talking,…