
It is shaping up to be a busy summer, and although I wish more of it was acting and less of it was my other job, I have to look on the bright side, that I am making money to support my dreams. Luckily, I also got to make some money on set:)

As I mentioned in my last post, I was an extra on the 19th. I am used to really early call times that finish in the evening, but this time I had an afternoon call time with the possibility of an overnight shoot. We finished at midnight, which was great, because I had to work at 8 the next morning. I am sad to say I spent most of my time there in holding, which is where the extras stay when they aren’t being used, then walked around outside the bistro where the scene was being filmed…inside. So, I will definitely not be seen on camera in the movie, but I did get to meet a lot of interesting people, and hopefully showed some members of the crew that I am someone they would like to work with again 🙂

Last Monday, I got to see Carolyne for some Menchie’s and How To Train Your Dragon 2. I have never felt so much like a child, and so much not like one as well. To top it off, I got home that night and we booked a trip to Hawaii in November, which I cannot wait for.

I finally convinced someone to see The Fault in Our Stars with me the next day. Most people I usually go to the movies with weren’t interested in seeing a sad movie, but I think a good cry is important to have every once in a while. And not that I want to be in movies where I make people cry their eyes out, but there is something about seeing those heartwrenching, emotional scenes done seamlessly (or so it appeared to my tear-filled eyes).

I missed my stunt class due to work, and so will probably be joining the September class instead. There are a lot of things on my to-do list that I am worried I won’t be getting to, but if I have legitimate reasons and am doing something else, I think I will have to let it go.

I spent a lovely weekend in Albany with my family, then watched the season finale of Sex & Ethnicity when I got back. All of the episodes are currently online, so watch them, have fun spotting all of the awesome Montreal talent, and help get them a Season 2 🙂

Also, since this is the place where I share all my secrets, I am semi-certain I will die either literally or figuratively during Tough Mudder on July 12th. If anybody wants to hire me for some kind of acting related job on that day, it would be great, otherwise, I will keep training and try my best not to die.

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”
— Arnold Schwarzenegger


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