• How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish?

    How Much I Spent Self-Publishing A Standalone Novel and a Paranormal Series The Cost to Self-Publish a novel varies from zero dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It depends on your skills (how much of it you can do on your own), your network (what you can beg, borrow and steal), and the level of quality you are looking for. If money wasn’t an issue for me, I would spend at least 5000$ on each book I published, broken down as: Editing (Developmental, Copy and Proof): 3000$ Cover Design: 500$ Launch (Promo Sites (Bookbub), ARC copies and Giveaways, Amazon and Facebook Ads): 1500$ In reality, I have spent a…

  • Self-Publishing a Trilogy

    The Legacy launch went better than I could have expected thanks to all of you! I am so grateful to everyone who helped out with posting and sharing about the book, buying it, reading it, or just encouraging me in general. This week I have been trying to get words down for the milwordy challenge, and figuring out youtube videos, so I thought I would do a little two for one and write this post as an in-depth version of the youtube video that came out yesterday. If you’re interested in self-publishing, this is how The Owens Chronicles came to be 🙂 (It’s definitely not a how-to, but I am…

  • LEGACY launches September 11th!!! (cover reveal +giveaway)

    ​This morning, I received the last of my BETA reader feedback for Legacy, which means I just have a few tweaks to make before I can upload my manuscript and get some proof copies. This is super exciting news, so I moved up the release date to September 11th! After centuries of hunting my family, it all came down to this. By the end of the night, I was either going to defeat Henry, or die trying… ​​​An ancient curse on the Owens women puts Lucy in a race against time to claim her birthright and defeat her Big Bad. ​​​Lucy knew that she had a lot to learn before she could…

  • Book Two is Out!

    As of this morning, Destiny (The Owens Chronicles Book Two) is out in the world! It follows Lucy, Embry and Gabriel as they travel to New Orleans and make some new discoveries about Lucy and her ancestry. It was so much fun to write and I hope you guys enjoy reading it. I’ll write a longer series of posts about the nitty-gritty of indie publishing if anyone is interested, but today is about celebrating the fact that Destiny is out there! The ebook is available on amazon and the actual book will be available wherever books are sold (so far Barnes & Noble and Amazon). The ebook will be 0.99$…

  • June Goals and Quarantine Woes

    Whenever I feel like I am losing control or have too many unpredictables in my life, my favorite thing is to make plans. Often they’re plans for the future that I have hardly any control over, but it’s nice to dream about where I could be heading. I break down these dreams into more realistic steps that I have control over, then organize them into years and months and weeks, so I have the steps, should I choose to follow them. Because I love me some accountability, here are my June Goals: Finish a draft of Legacy, the third book in my Owens Chronicles trilogy Write a short Romance story…

  • Halfway There <3

    We are halfway through February, which I usually consider the longest month of the year. It always has the least days, but it feels like it is especially cold and drags on forever before the arrival of March and spring and happier things. This year, for some reason, it isn’t that bad. Which is ironic, because February has more days than ever this year, with the whole leap year thing. I’ve done some odd jobs to make money, some more fun that others. I’ve had some fun nights out, like a preview screening for The Assistant, and sensory training for some potential background work. Maybe that last one isn’t exactly…

  • Prophecy (The Owens Chronicles Book One)

    I published my second book! Prophecy is the first book of the Owens Chronicles, a Paranormal Trilogy I have been dreaming up for years. Lucy Owens never really fit into the small, New England town she grew up in. Her first week of kindergarten she was dubbed “that weird Owens girl” and her social status never recovered. She lives a quiet, sheltered life with her guardians, her best friend, and frequent visits from two mysterious young men, Embry and Gabriel, who claim to be friends of the family. On prom night, things take an unexpected turn when Lucy is forced to escape the dance through a window and brought to…

  • ~*~ Full ACTRA Member ~*~

    Most of this week has been spent wearing my writer and producer hats. We had 3 production meetings for Little Bird (which goes to camera next week!), and I am pushing through a new draft for Prophecy (which comes out next month!). I also made time for a tiny but momentous acting task…   Getting my FULL ACTRA MEMBERSHIP!!! For the non-actors out there, ACTRA is the Canadian actors’ union (on the English side). There are multiple ways to join (background work, theater school, a role) as an apprentice, but then you need 3 credits to be a Full Member (unless you get in through a reciprocal agreement with SAG…

  • Hikes, Trains and Prophecy

    Monday morning my mom and I went for a very early morning hike, then I went home and wrote for a bit before we tried a new Body Pump class with my aunt. I did not like the class, at all, but I must have gotten a good workout because my thighs hated me (and stairs) for days afterwards. I spent the afternoon cooking and doing a bit of writing before going to hang out with my grandparents. After supper I hung out with one of my new favorite people for an hour or so, definitely overstaying my welcome, but it made my day/week/year/life. When I got home I watched…

  • Sets and Rents

    Being on set every day last week was only part of what made it awesome. I played a high school student, a cop, a bookstore patron then wrote my book in holding without ever being brought to set on the fourth day. Not a single one of them lasted the full 8 hours, so I made it to Jiu-Jitsu on Tuesday and Wednesday, got a whole bunch of writing done and had supper with my parents. Their visit was the other thing that made this week so much fun. My parents drove to Toronto on Friday to hang out with me, so we had supper before I asked my dad…