June Goals and Quarantine Woes

Whenever I feel like I am losing control or have too many unpredictables in my life, my favorite thing is to make plans. Often they’re plans for the future that I have hardly any control over, but it’s nice to dream about where I could be heading. I break down these dreams into more realistic steps that I have control over, then organize them into years and months and weeks, so I have the steps, should I choose to follow them.

Because I love me some accountability, here are my June Goals:

  • Finish a draft of Legacy, the third book in my Owens Chronicles trilogy
  • Write a short Romance story to use as a Reader Magnet
  • Release said magnet
  • Edit my grandfather’s autobiography
  • Write at least 3000 words a day

I also have some sales goals, but those aren’t something I can control, other than writing the best book I can and get it in front of people who will enjoy it. Destiny is officially submitted and will go live on June 11th 🙂 I am so grateful to all of the people who have been interacting with my posts and sharing them. As an indie author, someone recommending my books is the Gold that keeps my dream afloat. Sharing the books with your friends, writing reviews, posting about them…my heart explodes every time that happens and I am so eternally grateful.

My grandparents bought copies for their friends at Christmas <3

I hope everyone out there is staying safe and keeping sane. Self-care is so important in times like these, whatever that looks like for you. That could mean going for walks, working out, eating comfort foods, taking bubble baths, crying in a ball for hours…whatever helps you get through this. For me, some days I get in a workout, drink lots of water and am super productive, crossing a million things off my list. Most days it’s baking mostly failed attempts at sugary treats, spending hours psyching myself out to do the things on my list (by flipping through social media and looking for houses I won’t buy) and obsessively participating in fitbit bingo challenges. I didn’t realize how paranoid and uneasy the pandemic would make me feel. But I know how lucky I am to have these Quarantine Woes. It could be a million times worse. The current reality is one I never would have put into one of my books, because I couldn’t fathom these things happening in the world I grew up in. The fact that I associate such headlines with dystopian fiction is my naive privilege at work.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

-Dr. Marting Luther King Jr. #blacklivesmatter

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