• The Last Week

    Some very interesting things have happened in the few weeks since I last posted. Chronologically, I will start with the last class of the month at Suzanna’s; audition class. We spent the first few minutes discussing how I went from being in class indefinitely, to “I’m moving to Toronto in December.” Suzanna wasn’t ready to lose me to Toronto, and to be honest it didn’t seem real to me yet either. I was apartment hunting and figuring out budgets and finding all kinds of potential roommates, but it still felt like something that wasn’t really going to happen. An old friend from class came in unexpectedly, which was really nice,…

  • Class Lessons

    It has been over a month since I shared what I have been learning in my acting class, so today I will go through the scenes I have worked on recently, as well as what I learnt from each one. First is the Break Up, a scene I did with Nick. I hadn’t worked on it as much as I should have, and he had a cold when we did it, so I was slightly worried, but through running the lines a bit before class, I was reassured. He even went all out and got a doorbell sound effect on his phone for the end of the scene. If you…

  • Meisner, Meetings and Maggie

    I have to admit that last weekend was pretty awesome. Work on Friday consisted of a really fun scenario at McGill (fun to play, because it involves acting on your toes and Improv and an awesome scene partner, but not-so-fun subject matter). Then I got to sing my heart out at a family karaoke night. Traditionally, one person would choose a song and sing it while everyone else listened and applauded at the end, sometimes singing along under their breath. Lately, it has turned into a much less formal, much more free-for-all setting, where people choose a song, which gets them one of the microphones, then everyone else who knows…

  • Commercial Families and Family Videos

    Sometimes the rejection from the acting industry can really get to you and bring you down, even when you know there can be a million other reasons why you don’t get a part, a lot of which having absolutely nothing to do with you. Still, that can be hard to remember when you are auditioning or sending in self-tapes and offering to work for free and still getting turned down. I am not saying that I am currently letting it get me down, because I am absolutely optimistic about the new self-tape I sent in this weekend, and am working hard on an “I am enough” mindset, but something that…

  • End & Begin

    Saturday was the end of an era as far as stage combat was concerned. Or at least the end for now, until Level 2 starts in the new year. We learnt some knee moves and slaps before filming ourselves doing a short choreography, which was so much fun. If you have the chance, definitely take Stage Combat with Shawn Baichoo 🙂 On Sunday, I watched my cousin cross the finish line of her very first half-marathon before doing a reading of a play for a friend. I have always really wanted to be a part of a table read, so this was one for the career bucket list! We continued…

  • Something to Talk About

    In one of my earlier posts, I wrote how talking about your dreams can help them come true. Lately, talking about things has created somewhat of a snowball effect. For one, my last blog post garnered an invitation to go to the country and learn how to shoot, which never would have happened if I hadn’t talked about it (I come off as a very innocent, girly girl). Now the really exciting development…Because I share my journey on the Tricaillin set, a friend of mine decided to go through me when the link to submit himself for the film didn’t work. He got the part and will soon be featured…